࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34 ࿏

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You know nothing
about me

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If anyone knew what he was planning he may just be pinned to the wall or thrown into his room. Tommy and Tubbo were gone for the rest of the night, they asked Boo to join them but he told them he had something else he had to do and they believed him. He doesn't think he was suspicious at all.

The teen stepped out in the street, the cold air hitting his face as the sunset behind the buildings. Ranboo gulped, hopefully, this would take less time than he could hope for. He couldn't risk getting caught. Techno had seen the teen leaving the Casino as he was careless and used the front door, exactly where Techno would be with a couple of other people. He scolded himself mentally as he explained he was going for a walk and probably buying some dinner. He's pretty sure the pinkette didn't believe him.

He let him go anyway.

The streets of L'Manberg were always bustling and busy by nightfall, especially on Pogtopia Boulevard. It was full of Watson-owned buildings; all nightclubs. Quackity's Casino was on the other boulevard, funnily named, Las Nevadas. That's how they got their name.

People walked both ways, both ignoring and bumping into the split-haired kid, only getting one 'sorry' from a young girl who seemed to be in a rush. He showed her a smile and went about his own way, reading the text on his phone every two seconds to make sure he was going the right way.

He hasn't spoken to Sniff in a long time and was very surprised to receive her message. They hadn't contacted Ranboo for at least a year and a half.

Ranboo had two friends at the orphanage if you could even call them that; Sniff and Ori. They were both kind to him and he considered them friends, as long as they smiled at him and kept the bullies away.

The address he was sent to looked to be a small 24/7 diner in the middle of the city. He was set to meet his old friend at 7:00 pm and it was currently 5:37 pm, it would be an hour walk so he gathered he could walk through the park as a small detour. Just like when he was younger.

Ranboo reached the park, running his fingers over the wooden railing of the bridge as he walked over it, pausing halfway and resting his hands on the rails. The small lake swished below him, the fish swimming happily as they went along with their life.

The teenager sighed to no one in particular as he watched the marine life swimming about. Oh, what it must be like to not have a care in the world. Boo only wanted one thing in life and while he got it, it wasn't how he expected. He wanted to be picked not found. He wanted someone to pick him when looking for a child but instead, he ran away and got picked up by two sons of the top drug leader.

But yet, he wasn't disappointed. He found a family in the one place he never thought to look and well, he was happy. He didn't care if they broke the law, killed and injured people or transferred illegal goods, they loved and accepted him for who he was and never once did they force him to do something he was uncomfortable with. He has two of the best friends he could ever ask for and would die for them, no matter how much he feared death.

He was happy.

Ranboo sighed, content with himself. He pushed himself off the railing and turned to walk towards his destination, the moon beginning to rise behind him.


The diner was empty when the older teenager showed up. There were three workers and two people sitting at separate tables, one of the people catching the boys eye. He smiled as he saw their old friend; short blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and a warm smile. That was the Sniff he remembered.

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