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Awaken... Part I

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Ranboo looked up at his friend, his eyes peeking out from behind his fingers before the tall teenager sighed and buried himself once again. Tubbo stood across from him, fixing the sheets and the blonde's hair to make sure he would be comfortable; even if he didn't feel anything. The middle child of the trio let out a loud sigh as he leant back in his chair and ran his paler hand through the white side of his hair.

The brunette looked up at his friend, blue eyes meeting mismatched as Ranboo frowned, hurt on his face. This was the first time the orphan had visited Tommy in the infirmary since his accident nearly six weeks ago. They still couldn't bear to look at their friend but they also knew that if they didn't they visit they would regret it. The two friends had been sitting in silence for the past ten minutes, neither being able to sleep so instead decided to waste their night away with the youngest of their trio.

Tubbo frowned, his eyes leaving his best friends and trailing back to the injured male. Even when he's bandaged and attached to machines, Tommy looked peaceful— Tubbo hated it. He wanted his loud and unapologetic best friend back, not this quiet and peaceful one. He wanted his Tommy back.

The split-haired kid stood abruptly, snapping the brunette's attention away from the blonde. Tubbo watched as his platonic soulmate walked out of the room, wiping his eyes with a sniffle. He stood up and reached out his hand, about to speak when the glass door closed. The boy expressed a saddened frown as he heard the footsteps dissipate into nothingness, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he turned his gaze to his best friend's hand, his own hand underneath as he ran his thumb over Tommy's bruised knuckles.

The Bench Trio were nothing without their loud friend, he was the reason they were together and now he was asleep and no one knew when he would wake up. Ranboo could barely manage to be on the same floor because the thought of losing Tommy again scared him; reminding him of the last time they were by his side while he slept. Tubbo hated the sight, but also, the beeping of the heart monitors and the quietness of the room.

Tommy no longer had the tube down his throat which helped him breathe, the boy being able to do it on his own once again but that didn't help ease anyone's worries. Harvey had assured everyone that the percentage of Tommy surviving outweighed the other percentage by a long mile— the percentage being 85 to 15.

"They'll be alright" Tubbo muttered, his blue eyes drifting up to see the peaceful face of Tommy Watson. Another sigh escaped his lips as he continued, leaning over slightly and brushing the blonde hair out of his eyes. It had a mind of its own. "They just need time, I think we all do. We're all just worried 'tis all. Not the Bench Trio without ya, Bossman"

Tubbo watched the heart monitor as it beeped in rhythm with the injured blonde. All this kid wanted was to get some food for his friends so they could watch a movie and drive around a bit before, was that too much to ask for? God, this world was so cruel. It was always the purest of souls who ended up with the shit end while the entitled little shits took everything for granted all because they could. Ranboo lost everything and grew up alone; bullied for who he was. Tubbo was hurt in more ways than one; having a sorry excuse for a family. And Tommy could've had it all if his mother hadn't passed away, losing everything before he even got to know it.

Three misfits who were cast aside by the world were brought together in the most horrendous way possible but neither of them could find it in themselves to regret it, even the pacifist of the group.

They were a family and when one of them was in pain, so were the others. When Tubbo was in the infirmary because of his burns, the others were by his side the entire time. When Tommy's incident happened, he could rely on his two best friends to be there and when Ranboo struggled with himself and their demons, his two platonic soulmates were there for him each step of the way.

There was no way in hell they were going to separate now.

"Shit's been crazy" The brunette nodded his head slightly, trying to put on a happy tone for the getaway driver. He bit his lower lip. "I killed my mother, Ranboo actually helped... I think... he's snapped a little... He isn't sleeping a lot anymore and I have to remind him to eat— ME! I know you're thinking, I can't believe it myself because usually, he's the one reminding me..." he chuckled lightly, a faint smile on his face.

For a brief moment, Tubbo thought he heard Tommy's laughter but when he looked up and was faced with the reality. He sighed and closed his eyes. He just wanted his best friend to wake up, was that too much to ask for? Damn the Gods above for doing this to them. They were fucking children and yet they had been through hell and back before they were even eighteen. It pissed him off.

"Come back to us, yeah? Sooner rather than later if you can, we all miss you and it's been too bloody quiet for our likin'"

Tubbo took one last look at his best friend before removing his hand from the blonde's and headed towards the door. He always hated this part. No matter what happened, he could never bring himself to leave Tommy because what if he woke up? What if he needed the brunette? The older teenager sighed and he paused in his steps, a burnt hand running down his face and wiping his right eye as he tried to stop the tears.

He hated being so goddamn emotional but there was always something about Ranboo and Tommy who just did that to him. Why has everything gone to shit in the past month? Everything had gone to the dogs for good ol' Tubs. First, his family life goes to shit and then he nearly loses his best friend and if this keeps up, he could lose Ranboo to it too. The one person in their small trio who had any common sense and was basically the mother of two had let themself go. He was looking worse and worse every day.

Tubbo had to take up the mother bear role to ensure Boo would eat, bathe and sleep— even though he wasn't doing too well himself. To make things worse, Foolish wasn't even home most of the time because of assignments he had to work with the rest of his gang. Phil hadn't sent either of the teenagers on any assignments in fears they would end up being too reckless, Techno hadn't gone on any since Teddy's death and Wilbur had always been unhinged. However, the gang leader was close to sending Tubbo in with a bomb for the police as a bit of revenge.

They won't know what hits them when push comes to shove.

With Ponk and Jimmy on their side and another officer out of the way, the Sleepy Boys were practically bursting at the seams. They only waited for the youngest to awaken so he could be involved because Tommy loved to get revenge. He was their spitfire.

Tubbo shook his head slightly, a frown on his lips as he took one final glance at Tommy before turning his back to the blonde and heading for the door. He wanted his revenge but he knew he would have to wait for Tommy to get it, which he didn't mind because it meant it would be unexpected on the pigs' end. His burnt hand landed on the doorknob as he turned it.



Words: 1,351

Mans keeps forgetting to update his books *sad boi noises*

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