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A Grave-Staking Promise

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"Hello everyone" Wilbur laughed as he walked into the old mill. The officers inside looked up from their twiddling thumbs, a brunette with a sadistic smile and gang behind him. There were more criminals than officers but they were more guarded with their bulletproof vests while the sleepy's wore their normal attire.

Techno could read the officer's body language like the back of his hand. They were all on-edge and anxious. He huffed with a slight smile, this only meant that they would tire themselves out quickly if a fight were to ensue and Techno, being Techno, loved a good roundhousing. The only person who didn't seem to show any fear was the captain. No. He wasn't scared but he was too sure of himself, the pinkette wasn't stupid and could see that he was slowly losing his mind.

Dream moved forward, making his presence greater than his officers behind him. His straight face slowly twitched upwards as he spread his arms out in a welcoming gesture. Of course, nothing about that man was welcoming but the gang weren't going to tell him that because was he really worth their breath?

"The Sleepy Boy's and their little pets. Welcome"

"What the fuck did you just call us?" Abby screamed, anger flickered in his eyes as Techno placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. She piped down but her anger remained, she was so ready to gun that man down.

"Let's make this simple" Wilbur started, choosing to ignore the bastard's comment and get straight to business. "We know this was all a trap and have reactivated all the bombs from last time." The officers behind Dream all began to look around the room, trying to locate the hidden devices. A sick smile began to plague Tubbo's lips. "So, give us that traitorous boy or we'll leave you to rot."

"I don't think so" Dream laughed. Punz wrapped a hand around Purpled's wrist and began to pull him behind him. The young adult did not object as he stood behind his brother. The captain took another step towards Wilbur.

The tall drug dealer stood tall and proud, hands tucked into his trench coats pockets, burgundy beanie in his hair and a sly smile perched upon his lips. He wasn't afraid of the pest that called himself a police captain– he never had been. If anything, Dream had always been a thorn in his side; always there at every goddamn turn. Wil was ready to put the sad man out of his misery.

"You're all going to surrender to us now or we will rain fire on you. Shoot to kill orders"

"What?" George said quietly, the officers all looking at one another. Wil smirked, the captain is changing the plan on them. This is just a disaster waiting to happen. The drug dealer took a step forward, only a metre away from the police captain. He bent down slightly; Dream was only a couple inches shorter but what's a bit of mocking?

"Oh? Will you now?"

"Don't test me, they have orders to take you in."

"Don't you mean to take me out? I mean, you said it yourself-" he straightened his back. "-you did just say shoot to kill."

"Enough of this bullshit" Phil interrupted. All eyes turned to the man and he folded his arms over his chest. "The kid. Now"

The group of officers all began to crowd closer in an attempt to shield the teenage boy. Okay, so Purpled was wrong. He couldn't do this.

"Over my dead body" Punz spat out. Tommy only smirked, taking a step forward. He pushed past his father and took a few steps closer to Wilbur, who still stood prideful with a wicked smile.

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