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Welcome Home

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Ethan stopped the car in an alleyway, switching off the ignition and taking out the keys. Wilbur sat beside him meddling with his gun, checking it was full of bullets and that he had extra in his trench coat. Elaine had changed from her formal wear into her casual, a plain black graphic singlet, tights, combat boots and a leather jacket to top it all off, she held her fans in her hands. They were a plain red with a smile in the middle, the metal on the shining under the lonely street light which found its way through the car windows.

The trio all exchanged a look, Ethan nodding as he picked up the baseball which laid at Wil's feet. Elaine was the first to exit, the two looming figures following behind her in an unspoken silence as they approached a back door to a seemingly normal suburban home. A white picket fence, a lovely flower garden and a family home. Pity.

The trio approached the screen door, Ethan trying the knob as he pushed down and opened it. What idiots keep their doors unlocked when you threaten someone who can easily send killers your way? The ravenette turned to their allies and nodded, Wilbur gripped his gun and smirked as they entered.

The kitchen, where they entered, was empty. A hand towel hung from the handle on the oven and cupboards with glass-lined the walls with white crockery, a seemingly normal home. Ethan took the charge, the brunette and ravenette behind them as they peeked around the corner. The living room was clear, a lonely laptop sitting on the table. Wilbur rolled his eyes as he forwarded down the hallway. Upon opening all the doors, they discovered that the home was empty but still actively used.

Elaine let out a sigh, the brunette in front of her lowered his weapon and retreated down and entered the kitchen. He opened the fridge and picked out a can of coke which sat on one of the shelves. Wilbur turned to his friends, popping open the can and taking a sip.

"Now we wait" He smiled as he casually took a seat on the brown couch.


The door clicked open, a group of four entering with smiles were on their faces as they laughed. A woman was the first to enter-- or so they thought was a woman. It wasn't long before another three figures joined them, pausing in the entrance as one of the male's made eye contact with Wilbur. The lone laptop was beside Ethan, who had managed to get into the files and deleted anything which linked them to Aimsey. The girl with pink hair was the first to understand the situation, grabbing one of the other figures.

"Finn!" They squeaked as Wilbur stood up, taking his cigarette butt out of his mouth as he took in the last of its substance and dropped it onto the wooden floor, stomping on it. At this point, he didn't care if it sparked a flame; more entertainment. The so-called 'Finn' turned to look at his? friends, now seeing the alarmed state of them.

"Oh Fuck" He said, watching as Elaine opened her fans on either side of her and Ethan stand up, swinging their bat to rest of their shoulder.

"Welcome home," The lead drug dealer said as he cocked his gun, ready to take his shot when he so pleased. A blonde with a colour-block jumper of black and white stood forward, taking guard of his friends as they all took a step back; the pinkette holding onto Finn.

"What do you want?"

"Jonah- You know who they are!" the other male spoke up, he wore a brown leather jacket and a hollowing mask with two hollow black eyes and a straight line for a mouth; even Ethan could agree that it was creepy. Jonah looked at the tall brunette and frowned.

"Jonah Will, Moonzy Cat, Creeper Neptune and Finn Ister-- You've all gotten yourselves into something that you never should have meddled in and now, unfortunately-" Wilbur raised his gun to be in between Jonah's eyes. "-you're all gonna die"

"Nighty Nighty," Elaine said as she took a few quick steps towards Finn and Moonzy. Jonah began o defend himself, shoving Wil's hands and gun to the side as it went off— hitting the wall and barely missing the blondes head.

In one fell swoop, the ravenette struck down the brunette. Moonzy let out a scream as they collapsed on the ground out of fear knowing they could do nothing but let the girl above them strike them down as well. Jonah and Neptune jumped, the former reaching in his satchel and pulling out a knife and swung at Ethan. The pinkette reached for her friend's hand, squeezing it as he slowly closed his eyes; blood seeping out of his neck.

Elaine crouched down, brushing Moonzy's hair out of their face. Their brown eyes looked up to the ravenette, a silent plea as they watched the girl bring down her fan and sliced their neck. The pinkette let out a gasp as she tried to find air before collapsing into her friend. Neptune fought back against Ethan, slicing his own weapon and dodging all the swings of the bat.

The masked man kicked at the ravenette, knocking him into the coffee table and smashing into splinters as they pierced into the bat-wielding boys back, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. In retaliation, they pulled down the boy, rolling over and landing on top of him. Neptune swung his knife, barely missing Ethan's neck as the enby raised their bat and brought it down at full force. The masked man fell limp, a piece of wood impaling his hand as it went down.

Jonah lunged at Wilbur, gripping the man's gun as he tried to pull it away from his grasp. The brunette grunted as he attempted to throw the doxxer off of him and into the TV stand, unsuccessfully and only causing himself to let the gun in his grasp go. The weapon flung across the room, landing near where Wilbur's best friend fought off the man on the ground. With no weapon between either man, they resorted to punches and kicks as they tried to get the upper hand.

The blonde swung his arm, hitting the middle Watson son square in the nose; a river of blood flowing down into his mouth as the brunette swung his own fist and knocked the boy's glasses into his face. Jonah let out a groan of pain as he fell back slightly, gripping the frames and ripping them off and chucking them to the side. Wilbur's frames stayed put on his nose, him taking another swing at the younger man.

Jonah dodged it, arching his back as he lifted his leg and kicked the brunette in the stomach; causing him to stumble back into the wooden floor and barely missed the splinters of wood from the coffee table. A splatter of blood landed on the man's cheek, Wil looking over momentarily to see Ethan clobbering the masked individual with their bat. Finding motivation from his best friend, Wilbur grabbed a piece of broken wood from the coffee table and clutched it in his hand as he lifted himself up and launched the piece into Jonah's left ear.

The man stopped short and collapsed immediately, his eyes remaining open.

Wil stumbled back slightly and let out a breathy chuckle, his two allies and friends dusting themselves off as they admired the scene they had created. Neptune, or so they think his name was-- they couldn't remember-- was unidentifiable; They would definitely need to do his fingerprints. Ethan picked up their baseball bat, remnants of blood dripped off of it and onto the walls as he twisted it around. Elaine wiping her bloodied fans on the cloak of Finn with a sick smile on her face. With their job done and the distant sirens of police coming closer with each passing second, the trio decided it was time to dip.

Ethan took his bat and struck it right into the laptop which sat peacefully on the lounge, undisturbed by the mayhem which occurred only moments prior before they took their leave and followed his friends out to the car out the back. In the same seats as before, the ravenette turned the keys in the ignition before reversing and pulling out of the property; barely missing the view line of the police.

Elaine let out a sigh of relief-- her thirst for a first now clenched until another day.


Words: 1,446

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