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His Drug

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TW// Mild Pedophilia (hated putting this TW ;-;)

The petrol in the air. The smell of burnt rubber. The road beneath his feet. The shiny red car beside him. The stars in the sky. The smell of burnt rubber wheels. The stadium-like lights. Junk food in their stomach's. One tall, shy-ass motherfucker. One short-ass, sadistic bitch. One hot-ass, incredibly funny wife-haver.

The fifteen-year-old Tommy brushed a hand through his blonde locks, ignoring the food grease from his chips which still coated them. Tubbo rocked his feet back and forth as he bit into his burger, his eyes scanning over the competition while Ranboo shyly ate his chips, avoiding any eye contact with anyone who would look his way. The other racers were readying their cars, their pit crew helping them adjust their cars before the big race.

When everyone saw the fifteen-year-old and two sixteen-year-olds, they laughed thinking they would be no challenge. Clearly, they had no idea who they were messing with. A thirty-year-old man, who was clearly a creep and most definitely a pedophile, kept looking over at the teenagers, more namely Ranboo. Tubbo would shoot him daggers every time but the man would only smirk and lick his lips. Tommy wanted to stab him and yet, no one was stopping him.

They didn't want to worry their already anxious friend so the brunette and blonde kept quiet as to not scare the other brunette. Tommy wiped his hands on his red hoodie, the grease sinking into the fabric. The older of the group finished off his burger and rubbed his eye as he directed his attention towards the tallest of the trio. The blonde nudged Tubbo, his eyes left the orphan momentarily as the younger male snickered.

Off to the side was Wilbur failing to flirt with one of their competitors; Shelby, race name: Shubble. While the girl was laughing and seemed to be enjoying talking to the older teenager, it was clear his flirtatious comments weren't making any effect on her. The two best friends laughed out loud, the drug dealer hearing them and glaring over. Ranboo looked up at his friends and tilted his head. A lot of things that those two found funny always seemed to fly over their head, for a while Ranboo thought it may be them but Tubbo and Tommy were quick to assure them that they just had a different sense of humour to them.

It made him feel better.

"Stop that!" Tubbo swatted Boo's hand away from his mouth. He hadn't even noticed he had started to bite his nails. It was just one of his nervous habits that his friends were trying to get him out of. "I'm going to paint your nails again so you won't be prompted to do that"

"It tastes bad..."

"That'd the point, Boo" Tommy stated, jumping up from his spot on his car bonnet. The middle child of the group pouted slightly. He was still learning a lot about the world after being denied it for years. The brunette and blonde were patient and happily taught him.

They used nail polish— a certain one that tastes absolutely disgusting to stop the teen. It always worked for two months before their anxiety got the better of them and it started again.

"Ready, Bossman?" The trigger happy teen asked, balling his burger wrapper into a ball and shoving it into the container from his chips. Ranboo took the rubbish from his hands, Tommy noticing that the bin was next to the creepy man. His eyes widened and nudged his head over. Tubbo snatched the garbage and smiled as to not raise suspicion. "I got this."

"Never been more ready," Tommy said, each word getting louder as the brunette ran to the bin, flipped off the man and told him to fuck off before coming back over. "Got the best pit crew by my side and brother and dad in the audience, how much better could this get?"

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