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The Past

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"What were you doing?" A thirteen-year-old Wilbur asked his dad as he walked through the door at, once again, 4 am. Phil froze, looking at his oldest son with a shocked expression, bringing down his dark grey hood. The pre-teen stood in his pyjamas; yellow and black checkered pants, a white t-shirt and a displeased frown. The brunette had grown tired of having to take care of his brothers and having no father around, he knew it wasn't purposeful but it still hurt.

His father sighed, closing his eyes momentarily as he took off his bag and placing it on the floor. He knew sooner or later he would have to come clean... It had been nearly five years. He motioned to the bar stools, the musician slowly walked over and watched his father shuffle. Phil fidgeted with his hands as he tried to find the words to the words to explain himself to his son but it wasn't easy.

He was doing this for his family yet he wasn't even sure if this was what was best for them. He was desperate, losing Kristin was one of the worst things to happen to the Watson's, it only got worse when Phil was let go from his job and couldn't afford the treatment his wife needed so he did the only thing he could.

"Just say it flat," Wilbur demanded, leaning forward on his arms. "Don't bloody lie to me either because I'm sick of this shit"

"Wil..." The older blonde sighed. "I- I sell drugs..."

Wilbur's mouth opened slightly as he looked at his father, the man's face full of regret and pain. He avoided the brunette's eyes, not wishing to see the disgust that his own flesh and blood sees in him. Phil waited for Wil to yell, tell him to get out and to stay away from his two sleeping brothers.

"I want in"


"I want in." He repeated, Phil meeting the gaze of Wilbur. Never had he seen the teen so determined and sure, it was a look that scared him. The blonde shook his head.

"No way, you're a fucking kid, Wilbur"

"A kid with a drug dealer as a father." He fought back, gesturing with one of his hands as he motioned towards his father. He smashed his fist into the countertop and gained the attention of the older man. "Make it easier on yourself and let me help! Techno and Tommy'll be fine without me for a few hours and if I can help you then maybe you can be around more. Tommy barely knows the man who loves him"

Phil sighed, knowing what his son was saying was anything but false. He guesses having someone on his side who could cover for and help him would take a huge chunk of stress off of the blonde. Wilbur looked at his father as he debated his options, knowing that either way his father would most likely let him help in some shape or form.

"Fine." Phil sighed, straightening his back slightly. Wil smirked slyly as he crossed his arms over his chest. Being a drug dealer wasn't what Wilbur saw in his future, if anything he saw music but he would do anything to help his family and besides, he had never been one to play by the rules. "Go to bed, we'll discuss this tomorrow when Techno's at fencing and Tommy's in his room"

The teen nodded his head as he hopped off the stool and wandered his way up the stairs to his room, a feeling of victory overcoming him.


"Going out" Phil muttered to his middle child as he passed him by, a backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. The seventeen-year-old Wilbur nodded, watching as his dad passed him by and pushing a bowl of macaroni in front of the twelve-year-old Tommy. Techno exchanged a glance with his twin, the pinkette knowing exactly what was happening; he didn't care.

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