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Fuck Off

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"Look kid, you tell us everything you know and all you'll do is two years in Juvie, then you can get a new start" Dream bargained. Tommy scoffed, as if. The kid would rather die than give up his family. He looked at the captain dead in the eyes and leaned forward slightly, the cuffs chain rattling with his movement.

"Fuck off"

"Last chance, kid, either way, you're getting put away. You're a kid, you just got caught up in the family business, you can get off Scot-free and-"

"I'm not selling out my family so you and your merry band of bitches can get fucked because I'm not telling you shit" He spat venomously, giving both his middle fingers for good measure.

Dream sat up straight and sighed, picking up his folder and exiting the room. He entered the viewing room where Ant and Sapnap both stood watching on. They looked up as their captain entered the room, fixing his bandanna, Sapnap decided that it was already a lost cause when the kid was brought it. The Watson family were notorious for having a close bond, no matter what. Whether you were in the gang by blood or by work, no one in that gang sold anyone out.

Tommy looked around the room. He knew that Dream and possibly other officers were behind the one-way mirror, the walls were a grey brick, the floor a matching grey tile and the table was metal. The cuffs around his wrists chained him to the table so he couldn't run, but worst of all, there were no windows.

Tommy could feel his leg bounce, his body beginning to shake shortly after. His breathing began to speed a bit but it wasn't too noticeable. The men watched him, hoping to coax him into talking if he was in there long enough. His crystal blue eyes darted around, he could his chest rising up and down and sweat began to build.

He had been alone for an unknown amount of time, at first he was fine, in fact, he was pretty relaxed for someone in his predicament. He knew his dad and Wilbur were most likely finding a way to get him out, they loved him too much to leave him behind. But after Dream didn't return, that's when his anxiety and claustrophobia began to kick in.

Sapnap, Ant and Dream observed as he bounced. Ant had begun to feel bad for the kid, he had been in a similar situation when he was young, having spent some time of his own on the other side of the law in his youth.

"I feel bad," Sapnap scoffed as the older officer spoke. The brunette looked at the ravenette with a questioning face, the young man rolling his eyes with a sarcastic smile.

"Why? He's a criminal!"

"Yeah, so was I!"

"You didn't sell drugs and murder people, Ant, you were just being a teenager who stole shit. You should be happy we got him." Sapnap retorted.

"I am! He's scared though"

"Bet it's an act"

"Enough you two" Dream spoke into his hands as he ran them down his face, the two officers quieting quickly.

Antfrost frowned as he directed his attention back to the teenager cuffed to the window, his captain and friend making him feel guilty for feeling sympathy but he couldn't help it, he related to the boy too much. The brunette had never been affected personally by the Sleep Boys, causing him to not understand his comrades...

He wanted nothing more than to bring them down though, he had seen how his friends had been hurt by their actions and the last thing that Ant wanted for his boyfriend, Red, to get hurt in the crossfire. Sapnap only wanted to protect Karl and Dream only wanted to get closure for his family. The brunette always made sure to be as open with Red he could to ensure he would be safe.

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