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On we go

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Tommy winced as CPK cuffed his wrists, the scratches under his sleeves screamed out in pain. The brunette boy pushed him in front and he was marched through the offices, all of the cops watching as the boy they had celebrated the capture of as he was to be handed back to the same people he worked for in a trade that could save the life of Karl Jacobs.

He looked terrible and they all knew it, they could only hope that the Watsons didn't come after them. Dream chose to stay behind, handing off the trade to Eret and their partner, Elaina and a few other officers, including Sapnap, were to join them. Elaina stepped into the elevator with CPK, her brown and blonde hair flowed down her shoulders and back. Tommy shifted on the spot as the doors closed.

Scott gathered his badge and gun, watching as Ponk, George and Skeppy readied themselves. Sapnap was discussing final things over with Eret in her office as they lead the charge. The Scottish man had never seen the spitfire so determined and ready for a fight. The blonde had spent the past few weeks baffled, however. Ever since he and Callum managed to identify the other two teenagers who had been with Tommy the night of the chase, he couldn't stop thinking about Ranboo.

He recognised the kid but couldn't place it. He knew he'd remember a person with a face and eyes like his but yet, he couldn't place it. Scott had looked into the kid, trying to find as much information about him as possible but this teenager was a ghost. A part of him hoped Ranboo would be at the trade and hopefully, that will give him some insight, if he didn't show, the Scottish man would have nothing and would resort to going to every orphanage that had been around before he was reported to have run and hope someone recognized him.

It bothered the hell out of him and he wouldn't let it rest until he found out who 'Ranboo' really was.

"We're heading out," Eret said as they walked down the stairs, the ravenette cop behind him with a face full of determination. The other cops gathered their stuff and headed out, George turned to Scott and walked over. He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, snapping his eyesight away from a photo of the split-haired teen that laid on his desk along with his file.

"Ready?" He asked, Scott nodding as they headed towards the group awaiting the elevator.

Silence lingered as they stepped inside and waited as they went down a couple of levels towards the car park. Upon arriving, they witnessed Elaina shoving the blonde teenager into the back of her and Eret's squad car and closed the door. She turned to them and smiled, nudging her head to the side as she got into the passenger seat.

Eret headed over to the car with the boy and his partner, the other partners going on their own and left Skeppy and Ponk to be partners for the trade-off. Sapnap bounced with anticipation, the brunette next to him slightly scared he might accidentally speed as they headed off to the location.

Tommy shuffled in the back, the radio playing as the sergeant in front led the crusade out. The partners fell into a comfortable conversation about what they'd eat tonight. The blonde gathered they were not only partners but roommates and he found that weird, scrunching his face at their words. The brunette in front looked into the rearview mirror at the teen and laughed.

"Bet you're excited to see your family" His voice was deep and calming but Tommy wanted no part in a conversation with someone who had taken part in holding him in a small space for the past week away from those he loved.

He scoffed as he leaned his head on the window, his blonde locks flattening on the glass. They took no offence and continued to talk.

"I can tell you're a good kid so try not to get too invested in that business alright?"

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