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The Order

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Ant had noticed the change in the office atmosphere. Everything became more unbearable. The silence, the tension, anything about everything is just unbearable. Everyone had come to see that their captain and friend had begun to slip into the realm of insanity; everyone began to turn to Eret for their guidance. Every time Dream came out of his office everyone stopped. They were waiting to be told that "today was the day" and honestly, they all resented that day.

Doing any work on his computer seemed futile. Ant couldn't focus at all as the day which could possibly end the war between the precinct and mafia grew closer. No doubt there would be at least one person who wouldn't come out alive. Whether that person is on their side or the opposing party would be determined on that day.

Red tried his hardest to make his boyfriend feel better about the upcoming day but everything he did was futile. Never in the years of knowing his lover had he seen him like this. Everyone's significant others knew that the day was one that their officer lovers feared.

Sapnap wasn't sleeping. Goose would begin to shake when Dream exited his officer. George was full of more worry. Scott was absolutely terrified. Punz was angry and scared. CPK got nauseous at the thought. Eret wasn't keen on becoming the captain anytime soon but the way this was going, the job would be ripe for the picking.

Getting allocated to go on patrol was the most exciting thing to happen in the precinct. Niki and HBomb, Sapnap and George and a few others had that honour. After Puffy's death and Ponk's betrayal, Niki and Liam were put together and while they were opposed to it, it felt wrong to replace their partners after so many years.

Ant's chair squeaked against the tiles as he stood up from his desk and picked up a file that needed to be stored away. The case had been concluded two days ago— the defendant being found guilty of first-degree murder— Ant and Skeppy worked the case and the brunette needed to update it. Another case to add to the resume. People didn't look up from their desks or files, the tension was suffocating. Any officer had the right mind to not show up to work.

He entered the file storage room and looked for the corresponding box. Everything was so outdated and the higher power couldn't be bothered to update anything to make it of this century, it was the absolute bane of Ant's existence. He looked at each box. You'd think after working, for however long it's been, the glasses-wearing boy would know the layout of the room. Yeah, no, that title belonged to Punz and Skeppy.

A box with 'November 2021' scribbled on it caught the hazel eyes of the brunette. Of course, it was on the highest shelf at the back of the room. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the ladder, wheeling it over to the crate. If by the end of the month, the box wasn't full or nearing the brim then it would be combined with the next month. Most of 2021 were combined— because of the Sleepy Boys, of course.

Black shoes placed themselves on the metal steps as Ant reached the open the lid, placing the file inside. One thing was off his mind.

"Oh! Ant!" A Scottish voice called. "There you are."

"Hey, what's up?" The brunette lowered himself back onto the floor as he smiled at the blonde Scottish man. Scott didn't hold the same smile. Oh, it was bad. "What's wrong?"

"Dream gave the order."


Scott sucked in a breath, his blue eyes looking directed into the ones hiding behind glasses. "We're going to war"


"What the fuck do you mean?!" Red yelled at the top of his lungs, not caring if the neighbours heard. His boyfriend could die.

"Dream gave the order" Ant repeated Scott's words, a grim expression on his face as he sighed. He ran his hands over his face, elbows resting on the dining table.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" the boy stated, picking up a knife and slamming it down onto the steak in front of him. The younger boy was someone to be feared when he was angry.

The brunette forced a small chuckle as he removed his hands from his face and fixed his glasses. Ant had debated telling Red about the order but then again, the two never kept secrets from one another and this was pretty important. It would change the events of everything. Usually, the boyfriends were all for bringing in the Sleepy Boys and bringing an end to the reign of terror but, like everyone else, knew this would only end in bloodshed for both sides.

All that was wanted between the precinct, their loved ones and the community members who knew of the plan was for it to work and end in nothing but a peaceful arrest. Yet again, the Sleepy Boys were known for the love of violence and there was always bloodshed where ever they went.

"Isn't there like, three kids in their ranks?"

"Four" Ant corrected as he looked up at his boyfriend who was chopping some vegetables as the meat sizzled on the pan. The brunette had no idea why Red was making such a fancy dinner but he wasn't going to complain. The redhead turned to look at his lover with a look of disbelief.


"Tubbo, Tommy, Noah and a girl named Abby who's the ten-year-old sister of the late Teddy Meyers." He folded his arms on the table in front of him and leaned forward slightly. Watching as his lover moved around the kitchen with a scrunched up face, disbelieving everything he was being told.

Red shook his head with a frown, flipping the meat to allow the other side to cook. The younger male knew everything about what happened behind the closed doors of the 78th precinct and he was never once bothered about hearing about murders, tortures, kidnappings and abuse allegations. While they never sat well with him, he was no stranger to their stories. When the Sleepy Boys first began their reign of terror, Red wasn't too bothered, then he heard about the child.

When Tommy Watson, who was only fifteen at that time, was first brought into the conversation the male freaked out slightly. He was terrified for the child's life. Then, earlier this year, he heard about Tubbo and Noah, who Ant and Scott said went by Ranboo. The fact that there was one kid was enough for the young adult but three? He hated that more than words could describe. The fact that there were literal children involved in the biggest crime syndicate in the entire country fucked him up; literally fearing for their lives every day.

Now a ten-year-old? A fucking ten-year-old girl? Red wanted nothing more than to give Philza Watson a good slap across his face and ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing.

A sigh escaped the taller male lips as he turned to Ant Frost. The brunette frowned, standing up and walking over as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Red kissed the top of Ant's head and wrapped his own arms around him, holding him close. He prayed to whatever God may exist that the man he loved so dearly would come home to him...

...or Captain Dream wouldn't be the only thing the Sleepy Boys will have to fear.
Word count: 1,276
Feedback is welcomed!

Not long till the end now


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