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According to Plan

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When Phil found out, it wasn't too bad. If anything, he was excited for the man and urged him to express it further and gave him full permission to leave if he wanted so he could explore this part of his life. The man couldn't have been more supported and was entirely grateful to have such a supportive and caring man as Phil in his life.

What Sam didn't expect was for Ponk to turn around and say he wanted to join the syndicate. The tall frontman was terrified. Scared that the officer was doing it for him and that was the last thing he wanted his lover to do. Sam never would ask that of Ponk. He knew how hard the younger man worked to get to where he was and he had an incredible life, so the former warden asked him why and what he got in response was:

"I love you, Sam. I don't want to give up on us and let's be honest- my jobs boring compared to yours. I've wanted to escape it for a while but never did I think this path would be for me but- I can't stop thinking about it. Every time I go to a crime scene I over analyse and think about what I would've done in that situation or how exhilarating it would be. I have this urge to do these things and I know I can't stop it now so, I want to join you."

Out of all the things, Ponk could've said this was the last thing the scarred man imagined. Of course, he went to Phil for help and even the gang leader was taken aback. It wasn't unusual for an officer of the law to turn, take Sam for example, but from what the blonde knew; Ponk was a caring individual who wanted to help people and bring justice. The green-haired man didn't know what to think.

Of course, he told Ponk of the consequences; you can't go back and will most likely be disowned by your family. While some people in the cartel still had family relations outside of the drug deals and gang fights, it wasn't always guaranteed. Apart from the Watsons, Sam could only count a handful of people who still spoke to their families. The blonde man seemed to debate his options but only for a minute.

The look in his eyes scared Sam.

It reminded him of when he was first brought into this world by Corpse- and while he didn't regret it, he had nothing to lose. Ponk does. He has everything; a job, family, friends and a reputation.

Now, Ponk had been to his apartment multiple times before and met Abby but now, even though Sam offered, he was slowly moving in. The frontman was excited, yes, and Abby was over the moon to have a new person around but this made the change even more real. The good thing was, Ponk had experience. The bad thing was, he had no clue how to actually commit the crimes.

The other difficult thing was telling everyone. It meant exposing his secret relationship to everyone and possibly losing Tommy's trust. While most people probably won't care, Tommy will. To be fair, Sam's boyfriend did help incarcerate the boy for multiple days and nights but Ponk also claimed he tried to talk to the teenager; offering a warm smile and someone he could talk to. He also claimed Tommy told him to "Fuck off" which was very in character for the teenager.

Fran jumped onto Sam's lap, licking his face as he giggled. Another good thing; his beloved puppy was home. He smiled as he dragged a burnt hand through her fluffy white fur. Abby was with Techno doing some training and Ponk was in the bedroom sorting through his clothes. Everything of importance for the younger man was out of his old rental and now in the hands of the cartel's apartments. All his furniture the men didn't want for their apartment was getting sold off and the lease for the rental home was up at the end of the month. Which was very convenient.

The white dog barked, a loud giggle escaping the green-haired man's lips as he watched his dog run off and down the hall, Ponk's laughter echoing through the walls. Sam smiled, even with a huge teeth-exposing hole on the right side of his mouth, it was beautiful. A blonde came down the hallway, Fran trailing behind as he looked at his lover. The two made eye contact, Ponk about to speak when there was a loud knock at the door.

Sam gave him an apologetic smile before pushing himself up off the comfy tan lounge and making the short walk over to the door. He undid the lock and opened it; a scruffy brunette with burnt marks on his doorstep. The adult furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion.


"Your boyfriend here?" He snapped. It didn't seem directed at anyone, just his mood. Sam's eyes widened slightly.

"Ho-how did you?" He sputtered. The trigger happy teen sighed, irritated.

"Yes or no, Sam."


"I want to talk to him"

"You're not gonna kill him are you?"

"Not at the moment"

Sam reluctantly let the teenager inside. He looked horrible. Tubbo's hair had gotten messier, his eyes fully obstructed by his hair. His hands were twitching more than usual, the once rare movement becoming rhythmic and an occasional tap of the boot on the wooden planks. That was new.

Usually, Tubbo would take care of himself and train at least twice a week whether it be by himself or with someone to ensure he wouldn't lose himself to his urges but it seemed like the boy had nearly lost the plot. Two, nearly three weeks, locked in his room with no contact from anyone except the other two teenagers was proving to be very unhealthy for the boy. He was more unstable than he was before. Sam knew he was going to kill someone.

The teenager's eyes narrowed in on a nervous Ponk, who was still stood in the hallway. The officer let loose a shaky exhale, him becoming tenser as the unstable kid came closer to him; stopping only inches away from him with a pissed-off expression. Sam didn't know what was running through the brunette's head, Tubbo was unpredictable and while in the long run, it was a good thing. It was not for this situation.

Tubbo's left eye poked out from under his hair, his brown expressing anger and murderous intent.

"Tell me about Puffy" He smirked sadistically, his words were slow and full of venom. That's when it clicked in the former wardens head. Ponk sucked in a breath.

"You're not planning on killing your mum?"

"Oh, I am" Tubbo giggled, his lust for blood showing as he turned his head slightly to look at the man behind him. He smiled before turning back to the scared man in front of him. If you thought the adults were scary, the teenagers were so much worse; even Ranboo. "Now. Tell me everything"


Words: 1,2001

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