Chapter 27: What...?

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Soobin's POV:

"Soobin-ah, a word?" I heard a voice call out to me. I looked up since I was sitting on the couch and faced Yeonjun-hyung.

'Why does he have to look so beautiful? It hurts even more.'

Maknaes looked at us as I stood up, following Yeonjun into the separate room.

"Everything alright, hyung?" I asked when we entered the room.

"Is everything alright?? Soobin, I should be asking you that!"

He was worried. He grabbed my hands and looked at me worriedly.

'Don't do this to me, hyung...!'

"I'm..." I didn't know what to say. My heart was breaking from the thought of what I had to do when he worried so much.

"Is it your parents? Is it me? Please, tell me!"

"Hyung, you don't have to worry about me," I said.

"So something did happen. You're clearly lying. You are too honest to lie and I can see it." he was persistent. "I'm sorry, I'm trying not to push, but if there is something you need to tell me, I want to know. How bad can it be?" he softened his tone.

"Bad enough to tell you," I said. That obviously shocked him but if I can't lie, I will say it as it is.

"Whatever it is, I can take it. You don't have to be alone, Soobin. You can tell me. You can tell Taehyun if that makes you feel better." he tried helping. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I can't." I blurted out and rushed out of the room.


I ran out of the house and ended up being soaked under the rain.

"Soobin!!" I heard my name being called. I knew it was Yeonjun-hyung. He was running after me.


"Soobin, wait!"

I'm sorry. 

I stopped. Yeonjun caught up to me, breathing heavily. As he was regaining his breathing, the rain kept pouring on both of us.

"Soobin, please tell me what's going on! Please! I'm worried!"

I let out a sigh when I turned around and faced him.

"We can't be together." my heart shattered.

I saw the expression on Yeonjun's face change into a shocked and confused one. Also heartbroken.

"What... Soobin, why?!" I could hear his voice slightly break as he was still trying to control his emotions.

"Because I don't deserve you, hyung!" I yelled back, feeling the tears brim my eyes.

"That's not for you to decide, you idiot! I love you! Doesn't matter who you are! What do you mean you don't deserve me?!"

The rain kept pouring, my heart kept breaking, and my eyes kept turning glossy.

"Hyung, something happened during the break..." I started and my tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

"What happened??!" 

I gulped. I couldn't continue.

"I was in the bar. I was upset after another fight with my parents."

"And you got drunk? Used a fake ID? You think that'll change something between us?"

I shook my head as I sobbed.

"It was worse than that." I choked out.

"Soobin-- what are you saying-..."

"I... I made a mistake."

It was like time stopped. Yeonjun was silent, still not able to utter a word..

"What kind...?"

I sighed defeated and I think Yeonjun got the idea when his hands shakingly and slowly let go of mine as he then said, stuttering,

"S-Soobin.. no... you didn't--..."

"I'm sorry."

"You dumbass fucker! I don't believe this!!!! YOU COULDN'T!!"

"AND HOW DO YOU KNOW?! You-- you weren't there..." I yelled back through tears.

"I-i don't believe it-! You wouldn't do it--" he kept denying, not looking me in the face, his grip on my hands lost completely as I silently said,

"I'm so sorry." ...and ran away, tears running down my face.

3rd person's POV:

Yeonjun was staring in the direction where Soobin ran, feeling his heart break to pieces as each second passed. 

Tears that he kept holding in, finally streamed down his cheeks, as rain added more water. Thunder groaned as the boy crouched down to the ground, not being able to keep himself up from the amount of mixed emotions he was feeling.

 "Our relationship started as this rain was pouring on us. And that's how it ended too."

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