Chapter 25: Accepted

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Taehyun's POV: 

"Taehyun can't possibly be dating Hueningkai!" Beomgyu-hyung started saying in an annoyed and pretty mad tone. He paused for a second, put into a quick thought before immediately finishing his thought. "Because he is my boyfriend."

Seconds later, before I could process what was happening, he brought me closer, wrapped his hand around my waist, while still holding my hand, and connected his lips with mine.

Shocked gasps were heard all around the hall and around us too as I kissed back and we held our kiss for about 10 VERY slow seconds. 

I was confused and shocked myself by what Beomgyu-hyung had just done. My heart was racing and my face was red. As we pulled away, I could see that his was red too, but he didn't have a single bit of the word 'regret' written on his face. He smiled at me and then turned to face the students in the hall who gathered around us. 

I looked to my side to see Yeonjun-hyung and Soobin-hyung in the crowd, shocked and covering their mouths from it. I then look slightly to the side, close to the center of the crowd, to see Hueningie standing there with his mouth also covered by his palm from shock. But he quickly smiled at both me and Beomgyu-hyung afterward.

Beomgyu and I stood in front of the crowd until they all went their separate ways as the bell rang and students rushed to classes. Now there were only 5 of us standing there: Me, Beomgyu-hyung, Hyuka, Soobin-hyung, and Yeonjun-hyung.

"Okay, whatever this was, IT WAS HELLA EPIC!" Soobin-hyung exclaimed. 

"MY LITTLE BEOMGYU HAD GROWN UP!! AHH, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Yeonjun-hyung ran to Beomgyu and squeezed him as he lifted him up.

I looked at Hueningkai who smiled at me.

"Your speech there - it was amazing!! I didn't know you could talk in front of a crowd like that."

"Taehyun, it's been a year. We both have changed."

"Yeah, and I am liking that." I smiled back. 

"I guess all the secrets are out now," Huening said and I nodded, humming silently when I then turn around and hear Beomgyu-hyung.


"Ugh, fine." Yeonjun-hyung sighed loudly.

"No need to choke me. Do that with Soobin-hyung." the bear said and then I look at Soobin-hyung, who was drowning in color, and Yeonjun-hyung smirking while still having a slight tint of blush on his face.

"Whatchu thinkin' there, Soobin-ah~?" he teased the taller.


"So you're a naughty bunny, huh~ I'll keep that in mind." he winked, forgetting that we all are still here.

I covered Huenigkai's eyes. Kids are not allowed to watch this.


"Yeah, speaking of-- why are we still here-? We've got a minute left to be in class-!!" I realized and that ended the whatever conversation we were having because we ran to classes.


3rd person's POV:

Beomgyu and Taehyun walked in together to the class they shared together. Obviously, no classmate shut up about the events that just took place in the hallway. Some were fangirling, some were sad since the two were taken, and some were just unsupportive and were constantly throwing glares at them. Beomgyu led Taehyun to his desk before the bell got to ring.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

In an answer, he received a small peck on the lips from the younger.

His face revealed a slight tint of pink on his cheeks which made Taehyun giggle, as he found it cute.

"Does that answer your question?" he looked, grinning.

"Quite." the older smirked.

Boys had to part away to get to their seats when they heard the bell.

"What good do they think they've done?"

"That's honestly just gross."

"Didn't think those two were f*gs."

Beomgyu kept hearing students judging them that were sitting behind him. He did not feel bad for kissing Taehyun and being in love with him, but sadly, you cannot be liked and accepted by everybody, and that's what it means to be popular.

'Why should I feel bad for my feelings? I can't control them. Why should it even matter who you love?' the boy thought and continued focusing on the lesson.


As the lecture was done and it was time to dismiss for the recess, Taehyun and Beomgyu were leaving the class together, when suddenly, one of their schoolmates caught them mid-hallway.

"Um, excuse me." they heard and turned around to see the students who were talking to them.

"Yeah, what is it?" Taehyun asked.

"I... I just wanted to thank you for what you did when your relationship was revealed to the whole school."

The two blinked in confusion and surprise as the student continued.

"I am homosexual too, but I never had the confidence to tell anyone. I was always scared no one would understand and will keep judging me."

Beomgyu and Taehyun looked at each other, then back at the boy.

"What you did brought me the confidence to show myself and accept myself the way I am. Just... thank you so much." as the boy student finished, he bowed 90 degrees and then left to his class.

The couple felt warm in their hearts. They've heard a lot of people judging them for being together but with that simple, somewhat stupid action, they helped other people accept themselves and be proud of who they are. Including themselves.

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