Chapter 14: Kiss❗

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3rd person's POV:

It was Yeonjun.

He turned around to see the older was soaking wet himself. Panting from running. Honestly, Yeonjun's face being red and sweaty was found hot by Soobin.

He tried hiding his emotions and tried putting on a smile but Yeonjun already noticed his red and puffy eyes.

"Soobin, what's wrong?! What happened?!" he asked worryingly.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Soobin sniffled as he tried getting away from the subject and he actually tried leaving but Yeonjun dragged him back.

"I'm not an idiot, Soobin. What's. Wrong?" he asked again in a firmer tone. "You're supposed to be home today. You are gonna get more sick if you stay here."

"Hyung, how did you find me?"

"I saw you running while on my way back home. I thought something was wrong so I followed. And I was right, don't change the subject."

Soobin was quiet. He kept trying to hold the quiet sobs when Yeonjun placed his hand on the taller's shoulder.

"Soobin-ah... I'm sorry, I'm just worried... I've never seen you like this, but I won't insist you on telling me if you can't." he sighed, still having his hand on Soobin's shoulder as the other's hands were clenching in fists to hold the emotions.

"You've never been like this.. You're always so bright, so gentle, caring... But I knew that something was off. I could tell by your expressions that something was not right at home."

Soobin tensed up and Yeonjun lightly rubbed the boy's shoulder with his thumb. Soobin could feel himself ease up as a couple of more tears slid down his cheeks. His heart was tightened.

"Soobin..." the older let out quietly as he hugged the younger. The rain was still pouring and Yeonjun was stroking Soobin's now wet bangs.

"My parents..." he heard the taller boy faintly say.


"I don't get along with my parents well... I never have..." he sat and let out a shaky sigh.

"We might seem like a happy family... but we are not. Me and my brother lock ourselves up in our room because we have to deal with their screaming every day and night. We can hardly sleep."

" that why you're so tired...?" Yeonjun asked.

"And that's why you were always sad whenever I'd ask you about your home or your parents?"

"Am I that obvious?" the younger half chuckled.

"I could see something was wrong, Soobin..."

"What happened this time? Why did you run away?"

Soobin quieted down.

"They found out I'm in love with someone..."

"You-- you are...?" Yeonjun felt his heart tighten.

Soobin nodded.

"They beat me up. They found my diary and found out... that it was a guy..." Soobin felt tears dwell in his eyes again as the flashbacks kicked in.

"You're in love with a boy?!" Yeonjun exclaimed in disbelief.

"You think I'm weird, don't you?" Soobin's head lowered, not looking at Yeonjun.

"Of course not! You're my-- friend..." he hesitated at the last word.

"Have you been in love, hyung?"

"I-- I have... I am now..."

That grabbed the younger's attention as Yeonjun continued.

"I'm in love with this one boy who is younger than me and we became friends just recently. He is taller than me too. He is very gentle and cute. We met through our friends who happened to hate each other, but they are getting better."

"This sounds familiar... Hold up-! You said 'A BOY'?!!"

Yeonjun smiled slightly, looking at Soobin.

"He is also the one I want to learn more about. I want to learn the side of him that no one's seen. The one he always tries to hide."

"H-hold up-- You're saying--"

"The boy is you." the older finished as he wiped one tear that slid down his cheek.

"H-hyung--" Soobin sighed as he tried finding the right words but didn't know what to say.

So he decided to answer with his actions. He leaned in closer cupping Yeonjun's face, catching the older's soft lips with his, capturing them in a gentle kiss.

Yeonjun's eyes widened but then closed reflexively as he quickly melted into the kiss when Soobin pulled away, his face burning up. Not from the fever, but from the blush that covered his face all over.

Yeonjun snapped out of the shock from the events that just happened.

"The boy you're in love with-- I-is me?!"

"Why are you so surprised? Anyone could fall for you." Soobin smiled.

The two were surrounded by rain pouring on them, their hair was wet and messy, and their clothes were soaked as they were losing themselves in each other's eyes.

"Soobin..." Yeonjun broke the silence as he cupped the younger's face and pulled him closer locking their lips together. The kiss was first full of passion, it was gentle and innocent when the two wanted more of each other.

Their lips kept brushing against each other when Yeonjun licked the younger's bottom lip asking for Soobin to open his mouth. The taller yelped at the action and opened his mouth allowing Yeonjun to slide his tongue in. Soobin hardly even tried fighting for dominance since Yeonjun already won. The two pulled away to catch their breath. Their faces were flushing with bright red color and the sight in front of each other's eyes wasn't making it easier. Soobin looked to the side covering his mouth with his hand as he got flustered.

"What? Am I too hot for you to handle~?" the older teased making Soobin blush more.

"S-shut up!!" he punched the older's shoulder lightly and the two giggled. "I'm sick, hyung. I don't want you to get sick because of me."

"Are you saying you didn't like the kiss?" Yeonjun pouted.

"That's not it-!!!! I loved it-!! I mean-- I just don't want you to get sick... And it wasn't just a simple kiss."

"Hm~~ you're right, it was more than that~" the older smirked.

"Also, you cannot pout and look so cute when your hair clearly shows off how sexy you are."

"OooOhh~~ You find me sexy~?"

Soobin was covered in blush once again. Then his cough interrupted him.

"The rain stopped but it's still cold. We should get home. Stay at my place tonight." he finished and saw Soobin blushing flustered.

"U-uh, hyung..."

"Nothing will happen, you dumbass. What kind of thoughts you're having there~?" Yeonjun smirks but then continues. "I know you don't want to go back so you can stay at my place," he reassured and Soobin breathed out relieved. He didn't want to rush things between them.

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