Chapter 4: Partners

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Beomgyu's POV:


My phone buzzed and I almost immediately checked the notification. It was a message from an unknown number.

Hold up, TAEHYUN?!

"Hyung! He texted me-!"

"What?" Yeonjun-hyung asked confused as we were sitting and eating on the floor at my house.

"Taehyun! He texted me!"

"He did?! Are you sure it's him?"

"Well... he said it's him. And I did leave a note with my phone number in his locker. I was sure he had thrown it away though. Maybe it's not even him--"

I was thinking aloud as my phone buzzed again and gathered my attention.

"That's pretty straightforward

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"That's pretty straightforward. Guess it is him after all." Yeonjun-hyung pointed out.

"I guess.."


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"Taehyun, that's not the most 'friendly' way of talking to people." Soobin-hyung chuckled.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say?!" I snapped, still annoyed.

"I can literally feel the annoyance coming from your text just by looking at it."

"Isn't it because you can see my face while I'm texting?"

"That too." he sighed. "Just relax, Taehyun. Open up to him like you did to me, and he will too." "And you're getting this advice from an introvert."

"I don't know if I can do that, hyung! I wouldn't describe myself as a person who would trust someone easily." my head lowered to the side when I felt Soobin-hyung grab my shoulder and cup my face with his other hand, which made me tense up at the action.

"But you trust me," he said and I nodded. "Just let someone else into your life." he finished and I pulled away.

I was lost in my thoughts for a second. "Thanks, Soobin-hyung."

"Of course. You are like a little brother to me, so you can always count on me." he smiled.


3rd person's POV:

Soobin quietly opened the entrance door as the screams were already heard. He quickly hurried to his room to avoid his parents noticing him.

For the last couple of years, everything went wrong for Soobin's parents. It was like a light switch that suddenly changed the light to dark. Soobin's now only family was Taehyun, but even he doesn't know what his hyung has to go through every day.

How can he even? Soobin is an introverted but a bright kid once you get to know him more. He is like an older brother to Taehyun who loves and cares for him. How can you even think that this person goes through such a hard time when he keeps a smile on his face?


Soobin hardly got any sleep last night. His parents couldn't stop yelling. He's surprised how the neighbors didn't call the police with all the noise going on. The only time he can get normal sleep, is when his parents are too tired from shouting at each other, or when he's at Taehyun's for the night. Taehyun would sometimes come over to the older, but his parents would be aware, so they are being calm.

As soon as Soobin got off the bus, he saw Yeonjun waiting for him.

"Hey, Soobin!" he called out as he waved for the younger to notice him.

"Oh, hyung!" he stopped.

"How are you? You don't look too well. Did you sleep well last night?" the shorter boy asked concerned.

"Ahah... I actually had some trouble sleeping. The neighbors were too noisy but don't worry too much, hyung." Soobin explained. He was bad at lying, but technically, he only rewrote the truth, which wasn't that big of a lie. "Why aren't you with Beomgyu?" Soobin asked to change the topic.

"I was actually waiting for him, but your bus comes first, so I decided to say 'hi'," Yeonjun explained with a bright smile on his face, happy to see Soobin.

The two noticed a figure come up to them.

"Oh, Taehyun!" the tallest of the three greeted.

"Hi!" Taehyun answered back.

"Hey, Taehyun, can I come over to you today?" Soobin immediately asked his friend before the thought slipped away.

"Ahh, I can't, hyung. Beomgyu and I will be working on a project today."

"Oh no, it's fine! Don't apologize, I forgot."

"You can come over to my place if you want." they heard Yeonjun, who was still there, suggest.

"Oh no no, I don't want to be a burden-!"

"You won't be! I don't have any siblings, so I'm kinda lonely." Yeonjun chuckled. "Come on! I'll be happy to have you over!" he smiled.

"If you insist..." the younger awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"And by the way, Taehyun, isn't Beomgyu older than you?" the blonde changed the topic to Taehyun.

"We're not that close for me to call him 'hyung'."

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