Sick Days and Sarcasm

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"Wait, what if I get you sick?"

"I don't get sick. Unless it's from a virus," I snorted loudly at my joke as he stared at me. "What? That was funny!"

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Peter offered, quickly changing the subject as I gave him a offended look.

"Ouch," I muttered, putting my hand on my chest dramatically as I watched Peter try to pull himself up to look through his stash of movies but failed miserably. "I got it, I got it. Please stop trying to get up because right now you look like a sad, dying fish," I interrupted him, softly pushing him back down. I got up and crouched down next to his stash of movies, flipping through them lazily.

"You have Heathers?!" I exclaimed in astonishment at the case.

"Yeah, why?" Peter asked hesitantly, giving me a weird look from my outburst.

"Nothing I just love you a little bit more now," I casually said before continuing to flip through movies.

"What about The Breakfast Club?"

"The Breakfast Club? I don't think I've seen that," I pondered as I eyed the movie.

"You've never seen The Breakfast Club?!" Peter demanded, his voice cracking wildly as he tried to raise his voice in shock.

"Yeah, why? Is it good?"

"Is it- It's amazing, Hails! It's a masterpiece!" He declared making me suppress a laugh at his passion for the movie.

"Okay, okay, we'll watch The Breakfast Club," I gave in as I stood up and popped the DVD in his old TV.

"And please don't look up the movie for spoilers," Peter begged, knowing I had a habit of searching up the plot of anything that comes up in conversation out of pure curiosity.

"Fine..." I sighed playfully before flopping into Peters arms as the movie started playing. "Can you at least give me the basics on the plot?"

"Ok so five teenagers all get detention on a Saturday and have to stay there for eight hours under the rule of a power-tripping teacher and then high jinks pursue," he summarized and I slowly looked over at him.

"Did you just say... 'high jinxs pursue'? What are you, fifty?"

"I regret nothing."

"What's with the dramatic PowerPoint intro?"


"I'm just saying! And why do they have so many layers on, it looks like it's fall."

"Don't question it!"

"That is not the sound of biting nails."

"Why is this man so intense?"

"He has issues."

"What is it with these kids and the f-slur?"

"How did it go from body shaming to asking about her virginity?"

"I love Carl."

"Everybody loves Carl, he's amazing."

"Is he seriously complaining about people thinking he's a winner?"

"He gets treated different, Hailey! Don't shame him for having feelings!"

"Alright, alright sorry!"

"Who the hell cares if a person is a virgin? They're like 15, they probably got laid a few months ago!"

"This is such a clear commercial for Coke, it's laughable in and of itself."

"You know, I've always wanted to eat that sandwich."

"Weirdly same."

"Is he making fun of Bryan for having a stable household?"

"He also has issues of his own that he needs to work out."

"This is depressing."

"It just...goes back and forth between comedic and then really...sad."

"That's pretty much the whole plot."

"Why did you make me watch it then?!"

"Because it's a masterpiece!"

"It's not masterpiece! This dude is literally bragging about making $20,000 a year and how he can threaten to kill a kid and get away with it!"

"That's why it's a masterpiece!"

"That makes no sense, Peter! Literally none! See, right now! This dude is trying to assault his classmate and it's played off as a joke!"

"Ok was the 80s, it has its flaws."

"Flaws?! And now she's getting high with her assaulter five minutes after it happened!"

"What are these dude's dance moves?"

"This is an iconic scene, you can't judge it!

"Too late."

"Oh my gods, I love Carl."

"We all love Carl, he's a dreamboat."

"Why are they just going through each other's bags?"

"Plot reasons."

"Why are they slut shaming Claire for no reason?"

"Because teenagers suck."

"...That's fair."

"This just got intense real quick."

"He got an F just because the light didn't work? That's so stupid!"

"Why is everyone hating on Claire all of a sudden? Like I get it, you're parents suck but still, calm down."

"Yeah, their opinions flip a lot whenever John makes any point."

"So you do agree it makes not a lot of sense?"

"Shh... this is my favorite part!"

"Oh my god."

"Why is John acting like he wouldn't do the same thing?"

"Yeah, you go Bryan!"

"A...flare gun? Why a flare gun?"

"We went to suicide to...dancing."

"Teenage hormones are weird."

"Teenage- teenage hormones are not this extreme, Peter!"


"This...was the weirdest movie I have ever watched in my entire life," I muttered as I stared at the screen. "So...Heathers?" I turned to look at Peters questioning expression before shrugging.

"Yeah, okay."

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