Chapter 16

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I'm sitting on the curb when Alex pulls up in his Audi. I look at the time and wonder how he got here so fast.

I get up from my spot and move towards his car as I slowly open the door. I don't make eye contact with him because I know my tears stained my cheeks and made my eyes too red.

"Wow, can you be any slower getting into the car?" He remarks sarasically.

I keep my head down and my answer to myself when I close his door roughly.

"Hey!" Alex freaks out. "Gentle! Jesh woman."

I make a noise under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. 

"You know I didn't have to come."

"Then why did you?" I snap at him while I go lean my head against his seat and look out the window.

"Because Ash or Day couldn't and no one wants Will," He seems amused of himself with that comment but I ignore him. 

Ugh! Lunch with Will!

I rush to take out my phone, "What's got to you?" He says.

"Will. Lunch. Forgot." is all I say. 

I shoot him a text and he responds right away telling me it's okay. I don't tell him what happened and that I'm with Alex now.

Alex drives off and my head jerks back then forward.

"Alex! Do you have to be such an asshole driver? Jesh!"

He laughs, "Who knew Ms. Prissy could swear?" 

I go to face him with my anger but no words come out. 

He looks over to me and does a double take.

"Hey," He changes his tone, "I think you're bleeding."

I flip his advisor down and see my head is bleeding. Probably happened when my father pushed me down on the wall. I didn't even notice the pain until the adrenaline ran out.

"We should have Dr. Murphy check that out."

I scoff, "I'm fine." I have to be fine, I don't need pampering.

"You might need stitches, Eva." I look at him because I have never heard my name roll off his lips. It's a weird feeling but I enjoy my name coming from his lips. 

"Okay," He raises his right arm in defense, "Suit yourself but we will get that cleaned up when we get back." 

I enjoy this Alex's presence way more, I hope he stays.

"Okay," I say softly as he continues to drive smoothly this time. 




I'm starting to like short chapters. What about you? (Lol). 

Thanks for reading this madness. Thank you for supporting me and my story. <3 :') 

xoxo babes

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