Once the video was over, Stella announced that it was time to socialize and have fun, pointing out the refreshments in one corner of the barn and the mini photo booth in another. I was never good at socializing with people, and I was grateful that Nathaniel didn't care to do so either.

"Don't think I didn't see you two sneak in late," Stella announced as soon as she approached our table, making me laugh.

"You look beautiful," I smiled as I stood up and wrapped my arms around her small figure.

"Thanks, cupcake," she chirped, planting a kiss on my cheek. "And you look radiant...wait, Stazi, are you—" She paused and looked over my shoulder at Nathaniel, then back at me. "Never mind, I'll talk to you later."

I raised my eyebrows in confusion but brushed it aside as she pecked me on the cheek again before moving on to Nathaniel. "Can you stop sitting there brooding and give me a hug?" Stella snapped at her cousin.

"I don't brood," he grumbled, standing up and wrapping his arms around her, bringing a smile to my face.

We all chatted for a few more minutes before she and Theo moved on to other tables, along with Carter and Gabrielle, who went off to get some of the refreshments being served.

"You think we can escape while they're busy?" Nathaniel whispered in my ear once we were seated again with his arm around my shoulders.

"No, Nathaniel," I laughed, smacking his thigh. "How often do you go to family functions?"

He shrugged. "Never."

"Exactly, so you'll be fine for one night," I whispered, brushing my fingers against his cheek as I stared into his beautiful eyes.

Nathaniel groaned lowly and leaned down, burying his head in the crook of my neck, not caring who watched us

"Come on, let's go take some pictures in the photo booth," I suggested.

"Photobooth?" He lifted his head and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

I nodded and stood up with my hand out, waiting for him to grab it before walking in the direction of the booth.

"How does this work?" He asked wearily once we figured out our seating arrangement inside. Unfortunately, he was too tall for us to sit side by side, so I ended up sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Just look at the camera and do whatever you want," I instructed as I pressed the button to capture this moment. "It takes four pictures, so pose four times."

Seconds later, three flashes blinded us, and before the last flash went off, Nathaniel gripped my chin and locked lips with mine the exact moment the camera took our last picture.

"How romantic," I joked, pushing myself off of him to go wait for our pictures to finish developing outside of the booth.

It didn't take long before 2 sets of pictures slid out the slot, and tears pricked my eyes as I looked at each photo. In the first one, we were both looking directly at the camera, me with a big smile on my face and Nathaniel with the slightest smile on his. I decided to switch things up in the second picture, sticking my tongue out while Nathaniel's buried his head in the crook of my neck. But seeing the third picture is what made my heart squeeze tightly, in it Nathaniel had lifted his head and was gazing up at me in adoration while I smiled at the camera again oblivious to his stares and in the last one was where Nathaniel kissed me, but it wasn't until I saw the third picture of him admiring when I realized he didn't kiss me for the sake of the photo, he kissed me because he genuinely wanted to in that moment.

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