"D-do I?" He questioned. He didn't think he was in a bad mood but not necessarily a good one.

"Seeing as how yesterday you were flooding the entire office with your tears because Eri was going into Kindergarten,and now you walk in with a smile on your face, I would say you do. What happened?" He asked getting nosy.

"N-nothing happened! " His face started to turn into red.

"Maybe he got a girl" Another one of his co-workers stood in the wall way eating some soba.

"Midoryia getting a girl? Really Todorkoi? There's no way. I mean look how basic he is and how shy he is as well. " He teased at his co worker and friend.

"Hey! I could get a girl if I wanted to!" Izuku stood from his chair.

" No offense Midoryia, but it's honestly amazing that you have a daughter, much less a girl. But did you see a girl you like now?" Kaminari asked still being nosy.

"No! Nothing like that! Can I please get back to work now!?" He wanted this conversation to end.

"Kaminari you really should as well,your numbers are pretty low. You don't want to be demoted down to Bakugo's work" With that Todorkoi left to his own space.

"Damn he's right.  Good luck Midoryia. You will need it" He gave him a wink before sitting down in his chair.

"What with work?" He asked himself before turning on his computer.

After a 8-3 shift, Izuku parked himself outside of the school and went inside to pick up his daughter. He found her in the classroom sitting down at her desk talking to Ochako.

"And then he gave me this!" Eri showed off her necklace she got for her birthday last month from Izuku.

"It's very pretty Eri" Ochako liked her necklace. She glanced up to see Izuku standing in the doorway. " It would seem your father is here to pick you up as well" She gave a warm smiled smile at Izuku making him a bit red.

"Daddy!" Eri jumped out of her desk and ran to her father's leg gripping tightly onto him.

"Hey Eri. How was your first day of school?" He asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It was great! Ms Uraraka helped me draw" She went back to her, grabbing a picture she drew,and handed it to him. " It's of me and you!" She made his heart melt.

"Thank you Eri. I love it" He gave his child a nice hug too which she hugged back.

"You two are really adorable together." Ochako chuckled a bit at the cute family.

"T-thanks! Well thank you for watching over her. And sorry I was late" He looked around noticing no other kids were around, meaning that they had all left already.

"It's no trouble Mr Midoryia. I had a good time with Eri. I can't wait to see her again tomorrow. Well you two have a good day now" She sat down in her chair at her desk.

"Wait? Ms Uraraka! I want to ask you something!" Eri said feeling trust for her teacher.

"What is it Eri?" Ochako asked.

"Will you be my new mommy!?" Eri asked not realizing quite what she said.

Izuku and Ochako both spit like crazy from hearing what she had just said. They're faces also flared up.

"ERI!" Izuku yelled as he couldn't believe what she said.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Eri asked still not understanding.

"I-im sorry about that Uraraka! Kids you know!..E-eri how about you wait outside for a bit so I can talk to Ms Uraraka for a bit?" Izuku gave her a slight push towards the door.

"So you can ask her to be my mom?" Eri asked again which only made Izuku push her out faster. Once that was done he looked at Uraraka who was still pretty red.

"I-im sorry about that! Kids you know?" He scratched the back of his neck in pure embarrassment.

"Ha! Yeah!" She awkwardly agreed with him.

And a dead silence followed by him.

"W-well...I should go and get her home." He was lucky he had an excuse to leave.

"A-actually wait!... It's just. Well I don't want to come off weird or anything but. Well would you maybe like to g-go o-out for coffee sometime. Only of you want to!" Ochako figured that she is already embarrassed,may as well shoot her shot.

"Actually...So far I think that you are cool and nice. But I'm honestly not really looking to date at the moment. I just want to take care of my daughter for now. I hope you understand" He turned her down.

Calm down before you get pissed.

"Oh! N-no! I wasn't asking you on a date! I meant like a friendly outing, maybe we can get to know each other some since you seem like you will be here a lot and all!" She explained fixing the misunderstanding.

"That... I don't know. With work and Eri I just don't know if I can find the time for that. I'm sorry" He apologized even though it's understandable.

" Well no biggie! I understand, being a single parent isn't easy! Well have a nice day!" She turned to her computer. Izuku could tell that she was upset. He knew it wasn't that she like him,way too early for that,but because she felt had for almost getting in between him and Eri.

Izuku turned to leave but he started to feel like maybe he's overacting a bit. And it would just be a friendly outing,not a date. And he could always get his parents to look after Eri for a bit. After thinking about it a bit more he made his choice.

"Hey Uraraka?" He stepped near her desk.

"Y-yeah?" She asked looking up from her computer.

"A... after some consideration,I think I would like to take you up on that offer after all!" He agreed to that not date.

"Oh perfect! We could go say tomorrow after school ends? It's early in the school year so I don't have to stay long after. In fact I'm leaving in just a few minutes" She set up a date and time.

"Y-yeah sounds good! We'll see you then!" He walked backwards out, hitting the wall before going the right way out as she laughed a bit and waved goodbye.

Eri was sitting in a chair out in the hallway waiting for her dad.

"Is she my mom now?" Eri asked hoping that she was.

"Eri! No! Look if you stop I will get you some McDonald's!" He really wanted her to stop,he could hear Ochako chuckle a bit from her room.

"Yay! I want nuggies!" And so they went and got McDonald's and she was silent about it. At least till she saw her again.

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