Angry Waters and Weird Heroes

Start from the beginning

"Your ways? What does that mean?"

"...The less you know, the better," I smiled hauntedly making her eyes go wider in concern. "You want to go look around?"


"Let's go get espresso! You like espresso right? Let's fill you up with caffeine!" I urged to change the subject, dragging her along with me as the pigeons tried to follow her again and Bob sat happily on my shoulder. And after 50 shots of espresso later, she quickly forgot and gave up about leaving Bob.

After half an hour, MJ had finally drunk her weight in caffeine and we continued to walk around some more until a man stopped us trying to sell Venetian masks.

"What's 'I don't care' in Italian?" MJ whispered to me as the man continued to shove the masks in our faces to get us to buy them.

"Boh," I answered loud enough for the man to hear and have his smile wiped clean before walking away to find someone else to sell the masks to. "Huh, that's weird."


"Boh is used as a polite phrase most of the time. I guess he thought it meant 'get out of my face,'" I explained in surprise.

"What else does it mean?"

"I don't know, I don't care, I don't think anybody should care about it, or I don't know and I don't care," I clarified making her face light up.

"I think that's my new favorite word," she announced, satisfied already in the trip.

"What was your old favorite word?"

"Fuck, the most diverse word in the English language."

"That's fair," I nodded, giving my approval and so did Bob who cooed from the crook of my neck as he nuzzled in it.

"You know that bird is going to give you some weird disease, right?" MJ observed as she eyed Bob with apprehension.

"I'll have him vaccinated when we get home," I defended, knowing I couldn't actually get sick.

"You're not bringing that thing back home, that's literally impossible!"

"I have my ways!" I shouted, protecting Bob from her with a tiny barricade using my hands.

"Oh my god," MJ groaned and rolled her eyes, continuing to trudge forward until we spotted Peter walking a little way ahead of us. "Peter, your girlfriend is a psycho."

"Not that I'm surprised, but why-?" He questioned before stopping himself as he laid eyes on me and Bob. "Why do you still have a pigeon on your shoulder?"

"Why do you have a bag with you?" I asked him, mimicking his tone.

"I bought something."

"Bought what?"

"I asked you first."

"This is Bob," I calmly introduced and Bob cooed happily in a greeting.

"They're madly in love," MJ rolled her eyes making Peter look at me as if saying 'really? Again?'

"I got attached okay?" I shot back, raising my hands in defeat.

"Should I be jealous?"

"Yes, very much so," I answered simply, raising my hand to cue Bob to hop off my shoulder and onto my hand. "You've been replaced," I sighed dramatically, continuing our banter.

"That's fair, he's way cut- ow!" Peter hissed after leaning his hand towards Bob to pet him but was immediately stopped by Bob who pecked his finger sharply.

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