Hugs and blushes

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It was dark out, only the oil lamps flame lighted up the room. Li'l rascal we're sitting beside me on the bed, keeping an eye on their owner. The golden guard had just fallen asleep, tired of the pain the bruise gave him.
I pet rascal as I was lost in my thoughts. What did he mean before? Are they gonna torture me? or maybe even get my father included, forcing me to take the curse to not hurt my loved ones?
Li'l rascal then jump up on my hand, getting my attention away from my thoughts.

"He will be okey, eventually" I said to rascal and pet them once more. Li'l rascal then flew to the door knob and chirped at me. I let go of the golden guards hand and went to the door with a small smile.

"You want to go outside? I don't know what you will do but okey" I said as I opened the door for them. They flew out, but waited a few feet away, looking at me.

"You want me to go with you?" I asked and they chirped right away, probably saying yes to the question. I looked back at the sleeping guard, thinking that he would be fine by himself for a while. I walked out too and closed the door behind me gently, making sure that he didn't wake up.

"Okey, I will follow you" I said to the little bird and they flew down stairs. I followed them thru the stairs and hallways, with no guard in sight. The red bird then stopped in front of a door, waiting for me to open it. I did as they said and looked inside.

Shelf after shelf, full with different potions and elixirs. I gasped as I walked in, looking around curiously at the shiny potion colors. I guessed that Rascal have been here before with their owner, but why?
They seated themselves on the top of a shelf.

"Why did you want to come here buddy?" I asked. I looked closer to the elixirs and on their tags. 'Hair damage elixir', and 'Fire damage elixir'.

"These elixirs heals damages. Does your owner take elixirs for..his damage?" I asked and looked at the cardinal. They chirped again and flew to a different shelf and pushed down a half-full bottle. I was lucky catching it before breaking. There were no tags on it but was half-full. That meant that someone had took this times before.

"Does your owner take this one?" I asked just to be sure. They flew down to me and seated themselves on my arm and chirped. It was cute to see a palisman so caring for their owner, even when they were on the wrong side.
We went back to the golden guards room and as I opened the door, I saw him awake and trying to sit up. He looked up at us and the cardinal flew fast to him and sat on his lap.

"Li'l Rascal wanted to help you with this elixir." I said and gave it to him. He smiled and took the bottle. His smile was kind of cute.

"Thank you, it's just what I need" He said and took a few sips. I walked up to him worriedly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him generally. He stood up and putted the bottle on his desk and looked at me.

"Yeah, a bit at least with the elixir" He answered simply.

"So there is nothing a hug can fix?" I said ironically and laughed. I looked at him again and stopped laughing. He didn't laugh at all, he just look very confused.

"You do know what a hug is, right?" I asked. He kept his confused face on and shook his head.

"Oh, dear titan" I said and giggled.

"What? What is a 'hug', I have never eaten it before" He said still confused. I first thought he was joking, but he really wasn't.

"It's not a food silly!" I said and laughed. "It's something you do with another to feel.. loved" I tried to explain and smiled.

"How do you do that?" He asked curiously. He was serious, seriously cute too for not knowing. I giggle and went up to him.

"You stand close to the person, like this-" I said standing very close to him. " Then you put your arms around each other" I lastly said and hugged him. Our cheeks were only millimeters from touching, but I still felt the heat coming from his face. I couldn't see him, but I bet his face is red. He slowly held his arms around me to, very gently.

" You can hold me harder, I just don't to it because you are hurt" I said and he held on to me a bit harder.

"I-Is this right?" He asked and I could see his ears even turn red. He is sweet really, it's just too sad that he never gets hugs. He was silent, just felt the feeling of the hug. I decided to tease him just because.

"And if you want.." I started to say and leaned up close to his ear. " can even tell small and lovingly secrets to each other" I whispered softly in his ear. His arms tightened around my waist, he still didn't say a word, he just breathed small breath, listening to me.

"For example.." I started whispering to him. I glanced at his red face.

"You are..the best guard to me" I whispered and saw his soft reaction. He became tomato red and his eyes widened.  He then quickly hid his face by my neck and gave out a small whimper, starting to make me blush as well.

"You..really think so?" He asked. still hiding by my neck. I start to wonder how much love he really gets.
I once again came close to his ear.

"Yes, Goldie~" I teased him again. His warm hand were press against my back and I felt his fast heart beats from his chest to mine. He then stopped hiding and leans close to my ear.

"Okey, my turn" He whispered with a little darker voice than usual, making me blush even more. I felt his breathing touch my ear and making me flinch a little.

"My name is Hunter.." He whispered and I blushed really hard.

"Hunter" I whispered to myself. "It suits you" I said and hide my face against his shoulder. We went silent for a while holding each other, him still holding me close.

"I better go to my cell again, right?" I said and let go. I turned away from him to go, but then he hugged me from behind, stopped me from walking out.

"You can stay" He said holding me close. I blushed by his actions and his desire for me to stay.

"But you need to rest, besides there is only one bed"

"It's wide enough for two" He answered back. He felt so different from when I first met him. He was so confident and so 'in control' before, but now, when he have let his guard down, he is sweet and kind. Nothing like the emperor wants him to be.

"Okey" I said and turned around to look at him. He let go off me and immediately took out a big dark gray t-shirt and some soft shorts for me, also a blanket and a pillow. I thanked him and changed clothes, without him looking of course.

I laid in the bed and immediately felt the tiredness take over me. A bed at last.
Hunter laid next to me blushing, I was too.

"Well, good night then" He said shyly and turned off the oil lamp. I simply smiled and said:

"Good night..Hunter"

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