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{The Golden Guard's pov}

I glanced at Y/N's face every now and then, but they kept the same expression. It is hard to explain. Their lips were smiling so kindly, but their eyes were focused, like they really tried to remember this view, this moment.
Y/N didn't look at me at all, not like I noticed or anything! Maybe because they didn't want me in the memories.
I then noticed our hands. It's strange to me really.
How can a beauty like them, like a monster like me? I clenched their hand. I wanted to remember 'this' moment too.

"You read a lot" Y/N said and turned their head to face me.

"Well yeah, you saw the big pile of books in my room, didn't you?" I questioned back, giving of the same kind smile like they did.

"I knew that even before I went in your room. When we first held hands" They said, and I swear I could see the red tint on their cheeks. I gave them my 'confused face' I give every time I didn't understand.

"I'll show you what I mean" they said while taking up my hand and explained it, like some kind of palm reading.

"Your palm is hard while your finger tips are much softer. It means you work hard with your hands and use them often for strength." They said as they showed which part of my hand. I was surprised by the way they were right.

"Okey, but what does it connect with reading to do?" I asked curiously. They giggled and put their fingers against mine. I blushed from the touch and tried to hide it from them.

"As I said, your finger tips are softer than the rest of your hand. You use your fingers to turn page. Books are delicate so you have to be careful with your strength to not rip the books pages out, specially the old books you have." They explained. "With that information, you read regularly, either every other day or on daily basis!" They finally said and looked up at my face.

{Your pov}

I looked up at him and saw his stunned, but red face. I stoped the touch of our hands and looked away.

"It's getting kind of late" I said, breaking the small silence between us. He shook his head and the redness in the face faded away.

"Yeah, we should head back" He said and was about to sit straight again. But he stopped, and looked at me with a smirk.

"You fly us back" He said. I got so surprised by the sudden action, I were not able to say anything before he climbed under the staff and seated himself behind me.

"What! But I don't know how to fly, It's your staff! You fly" I tried to say back. He didn't listen and made me turn to sit forward.

"I guessed that you would say something like that, but it will be fine! You might even think it's fun~" He said while taking my hands and placed it on the staff.

"Just pull to the direction you want to go and I will fix the speed, Okey?"
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I can do this, besides, what's the worst that could happen? I nodded and pulled the staff down. He then took my hands and dragged our hands down the staff.
"the higher up you hold the faster it goes" He tells me. We fly down a bit and it goes surprisingly well.
"Okey, you just need to fly straight forward. Are you ready to speed up?" He asked as he let go off my hands.

"It will be fine" I said to myself quietly and putted my hands higher up. A little to high up, we then flew as fast as a cannonball. We both screamed as we flew into a forest.

"SLOW DOWN!" I heard him shout as we were about to hit a tree. In panic I putted my hands down and we stopped, just a few centimeters away.

"Flying is not something for me" I said half laughing, half panicking. We jumped off the staff and the red cardinal jumped off too, but I noticed that it walked instead of flying.

"Oh no, did I hurt you buddy?" I asked as I picked him up. He already had a scar over his eye, but his wings were strained.

"I'm sorry, let me fix that for you" I said and started to heal the palisman.

When I was done, the cardinal flew around us, testing their wings.
"Come here Li'l Rascal" He said and held out his hand for them to sit.

"His name is Li'l Rascal?" I asked curiously. He pet the cardinal before the palisman took their place on the staff again.


"Then what's your name?" I asked, hoping for an actual answer. He gave me a death glare and started walking instead. At least it was worth a try.
The rest of our way contained me rambling out random names to see if he gave any reaction, but it he never did.

*Time skip to the emperor's castle*

As we walked thru the halls, Kikimora came towards us.

"The emperor wants the golden guard for a..special meeting" She said while looking at us both.

"Wait..why are they not in their cell!?" She angrily asked the golden boy. We looked at each other and I noticed in his eyes that he had trouble to come up with a good lie.

"uh..They-" He started to say but I interrupted.

"I tried to run away, but didn't expect him to be smart enough to notice!" I said out loud quickly. Kikimora looked at me like she didn't buy it first, but then she shrugged it.

"I never expect him to be smart enough" She said and took my arm.

"You better go to the emperor as soon as possible, and I will take the prisoner" She then said and looked at the golden guard. He nodded and went his way to the emperor. Kikimora took me to my cell and looked me up. But not quietly, no! She kept rambling about how much of a brat the golden boy is, all the time.
I understand now how irritated I was before trying to guess his name.

Kikimora left me chained up.
An hour had gone by and the golden guard finally came to visit me in jail. I felt something was wrong, and mentioned it to him. He didn't even answer, just opened the cell and let me out from the chains.

"Emperor Belos wants to know if you have changed you mind" He said with no expression.

"Well no, but what's up with you Goldie?" I asked, getting more and more concerned about him. He sighed and looked down.

"I told the emperor that you probably didn't have changed your mind and.." He said getting quiet for a bit.
"Let's just say that he didn't like the answer" He said and pulled up his shirt, revealing his left ribs. In shook I saw a big bruise, reminded of abomination goo.

"It's wrong to treat you special, there for you will stay here in your cell. But I was also..'hoping' that you would be able, me?" He asked shyly and looked at me. He did not seek eye contact with me, if I would reject him.

"Of course I will help you." I said with a smile. He looked up at me and gave genuinely smile.

"But you need to lay down, can we go to your room?" I asked and he nodded. We went to his room while I tried to hold him up, it was hard because he was taller than me. As we went inside I laid him on the bed.

"Did the emperor do this to you?" I asked while lifting up his shirt. Once again, he didn't respond. He hissed painfully as I touched the bruise.


I looked at the bruise and knew that I had two choices.
"Okey, the bruise is too big for me to heal straight away. I can either take your bruise as my own, or give you healing that calms the bruise." I said to him. He looked to be in so much pain, it even hurt me.

"Don't take it, just calm it down please" He said painfully.

"Are you sure?"
He gave me a nod and I began the calming healing.

*Time skip*

When I was done, the boy was still in pain but could take it.

"Thank you Y/N" He said while looking very tired. I was about to leave him until he grabbed my hand. I looked back at him and instantly knew that he wanted me to stay.

I seated myself next to him, still holding his hand.

"Why are you nice to me?" He asked. I smiled and answered:

"Because you deserve better, but I wonder the same thing. Why are you nice to me?" I asked back.

"Because you don't deserve what comes next"

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