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IMPORTANT: i see this relationship now as being between three people with traumatic events in their past so instead of going slow they go into the poly immediately since they understand they can't change it nor want to and they all need each other's support. i know some said that the last chapter was too sappy but from my pov, y/n understands that both yoongi and Jungkook have heavy trauma as hybrids (and she does too) so therefor, they all give in to lots of sentimental moments and affection easily to help recover from that and really know they have each other and it's fine now : )



"Big boob... "

I jump at the squeezing sensation and soft voice that's awoken my headass from my peaceful slumber, the alarm on my phone sounding off as it hits 7:00 AM since we have work in an hour.

I peak my eyes open, sweat starting to form on my forehead as two hybrids snuggle even closer into my sides, both half on top of me. Another soft and slow squeeze on my right boob surly wakes me up even more so I glance down only to see Jungkook's tail swaying against my right leg while his hand squeezes my boob again. I can't help the quiet chuckle that leaves my lips at the hilarious sight of the panther, one who is one of the most dangerous hybrid breeds in the world yet he's busy drooling on my upper chest and copping a feel in his sleep.

"Jungkookie." I whisper as I run my left hand through his messy hair, giving his right ear a little scratchy scratch to wake him up.

"Baby?" His tired whisper sends a shiver all over my body, his deep morning voice making its grand entrance while his adorable little space self becomes only a memory from last night.

My thoughts on how attractive his voice is right now leaves my mind as another sound pushes its way in. I squint at the low sound while Jungkook kisses my cheek, his hand giving me one more squeeze in a more dirty way before he chuckles and sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes.

Did I leave a window open?

"Yoongi?" Jungkook's soft gasp whisps me out of my thoughts and I glance down at my chest to the other hybrid.

I pause my breathing subconsciously and keep my eyes fixated on the snake hybrid's, Yoongi being very much awake and very much confused and defensive, just like how Jungkook was when he had woken up in my car and house for the first time.

"I think he doesn't remember where he's at, that happens a lot when hybrids wake up somewhere new." Jungkook whispers over as he keeps his eyes trained on the venomous man.

I low hissing comes from his lips again, the sound being that of what I had just heard earlier as well.

"Yoongi, it's me... Y/n. Do you remember us rescuing you last night at the hybrid clinic?" I try to get words out fast as the confused hybrid stares at me, searching my eyes to see if what I'm saying is true.

His sleepy, disoriented, and alarmed state pushes him to begin crawling up my body slowly, his hands on either side of my head on the pillow as he straddles me, his body weighing my own down. A hiss leaves his lips as he leans down and runs his longer than normal tongue up my neck. I notice Jungkook's eyes widen at the sight of Yoongi's sharp teeth and venomous mouth widening and without a moment to spare, he's shoving Yoongi off of me with a growl and they both tumble to the floor.

"Oh, what the hell... " I sigh out, shocked but the two different types of hissing pull me back to the situation at hand.

My wide eyes dart to the floor, both of them tussling while a blanket is half fluffed over their bodies.

"HEY! STOP THAT!" I yell, immediately rolling off of the bed and into the middle of the two like a dumbass with no other plan because that's exactly what I am.

Trying to push the two away so that they don't maul or poison the other, I yell multiple 'stop' 's and 'what the fuck' 's while prying them away.

"YOONGI, YOU WERE GOING TO BITE Y/N!" Jungkook growls, fury in his eyes as he tries tackling Yoongi again but he accidentally traps me on top of Yoongi's chest, my body between both of theirs as he ends up pinning us both under his own body.

"Oh, fuck." Yoongi's raspy deep voice gasps from underneath me as my head is to the right and just under his own, my body pressed against his while Jungkook's is pressed against my own.

"Fucker, did you hear me? I said you almost bite Y/n!" Jungkook hisses while my eyes begin to widen.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I didn't mean to wake up so confused and angry. I was smelling the scent of her blood when I woke up since her heart was beating fast, it covered up her actual scent by accident and I forgot who you both were for a bit, big deal." Yoongi mutters out as if it's normal, "Her blood smells nice as fuck, sorry for having a blood kink, asshole. I also wouldn't have killed her, fucks sake." He sighs out and I internally accept his apology, now knowing that he didn't plan on putting his venom in my fucking bloodstream but suddenly two other words grab my attention more.

"Blood kink? Damn, you are kinky 😏." Jungkook raises a brow and I nod in agreement.

Interesting... that'll be a tool we'll save for later

"Okay, we can talk about kinks later. Just get off of me for now." I put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder and fist the fabric of my shirt that he's wearing, earning a raised brow from him as well as the hot sight of his tongue pressing against his inner cheek.

"It's cute when you grab things like that... I want to see it more." He smirks and straddles me, his strong thighs caging me and Yoongi in underneath him and I gulp as I realize that he slept in only boxers.

I gasp as a low groan comes from Yoongi's lips near my left ear, his hips bucking upward against my ass while Jungkook's weight presses me down more.

"We can be... a little late to work. Right?" I bite my bottom lip, holding back a smirk of my own.


i am so horny
this also felt all over the place

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