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I burst through his door, into his living room and don't see anyone so I rush into his kitchen to look out into his backyard before heading upstairs. Turning around from his sliding back door, a hand grabs my ankle and I spin around, pepper spray aimed.

Jungkook jerks his head down, ducking from my aim and I stop immediately, my heart racing at the sight of him not hurt. I crouch down and get behind the kitchen island he's currently hiding behind.

He silently puts a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet, eyes wide open and he's shaking violently as tears fall. I pull him into a tight hug, tears running down my face.

He pulls away suddenly while sniffing the air confused and feels the back of his shirt at a wetness before gripping my hand and inhaling sharply at the sight of my hand covered in blood, a large shard of ceramic stuck deeply in the middle of my palm.

I watch his hands shake as they hold my own bloodied hand, his face dropping at the sight and he whips his gaze up to mine and then back down.

He slowly pulls the shard out but I don't react.

At this point, the only thing I can feel is the pure anger I have in me at the thought of his situation. My mind is numb from the terror his message has brought me.

They have guns

He shakes me slightly as I stare blankly at him, my other hand shaking as I tightly grip the pepper spray, ready for anything. Tears build up faster as he notices the red welts from the burns set in on my neck and top of my hands. He looks everywhere on my body, more concerned with my well being than his own at this point.

He pulls his phone out and types into his notes app before showing me.

"What happened?"

I take his phone and reply.

"Ran to you."

He stares at me, his black ears flattening to his head as he covers his mouth, silently crying and I start to understand why.

He has nobody but me to protect him. I'm the only person that he's told he's a hybrid.

I hug him tightly again, his hands fisting tightly at my tank tops fabric.

"Let's run." He whispers shakily in my ear, his head in the crook of my neck as the midnight wind from the open door breezes against us ever so slightly.

We go to slowly stand but light footsteps above us make us pause. I mentally curse at myself for not making us run out sooner, shock and emotions blocking my train of thought. The only thing in mind was to pepper spray the men and find Jungkook. I didn't expect to see him right away but...

"Where are they? Why are you hiding here?" I type into his notes app.

He pulls me down and out of sight while typing back. His ears perk up and eyes widen at something I can't hear.

"Playing cat and mouse. I hide, they hunt."

My heard drops and I feel sick to my stomach as he pulls me close.

"I can hear them coming down the stairs, if you run now he'll probably shoot." He shakily whispers out in a rush.

I think for a moment and conclude that I'm ready to act on impulse.

"Stay here." I shove him off of me in an instant so that he can't pull me back down and decide to do something that could easily get me killed but will also hopefully catch them off guard and give him time to escape.

I hear him whimper for me as I hop up onto the island onto my butt, swinging my legs around and standing in an instant on top of the island and I immediately lunge forward, tackling a man at the end of the stairs in front of me while the second man behind him falls back as well.

"JUNGKOOK RUN-" I scream to him as soon as all three of us hit the floor and he doesn't listen, instead grabs a large empty glass bowl and throws it at the second man who's starting to stand up, the bowl smashing against his head.

The man falls, seemingly passed out as blood coats his forehead but the man under me grips my sides as he stands and tosses me before I can pepper spray him. I hit the counter and the back of my head hits the edge hard.

Jungkook growls loudly and scratches the man across his face while I deliriously stand, the back of my head bleeding as I fall and crawl to push the fallen gun away.

I hear Jungkook growl loudly but can also tell he's hyperventilating.

He's terrified.

I pepper spray the man with the scratched face but am too slow to see the other man walk towards me, shoving me back and grabbing the guns from the floor while the other screams in pain, hands covering his eyes.

"No more games. Let's go, grab him." Is one of the last things I hear as I turn to tell Jungkook to run again but am too late, the man that I had pepper sprayed pulling out a taser and tasing Jungkook's side while the other grabs the guns.

I blink and notice I'm looking at the ceiling.

How did I get down here?

I listen to the loud sounds coming from around me and my hearing comes back.

The back of my head feels warm

I turn my head, realizing I had fallen on the floor.

Don't take him

I watch with tired eyes as Jungkook's limp body is picked up and I blink, suddenly the door slaming shut. I can't keep my eyes open any longer so I decided to shut them. I lay there, blood under me as I slowly lose consciousness.

Please don't take him away




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