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"His thighs are massive!" Jimin says while we both eye Jungkook up and down as he walks into the lunch room- for very opposite reasons though.

Tossing my french fry back down I grit my teeth at the sight of him. He's sitting a few tables away and his ego still radiates all the way over to here.

"Massive, just like his ego." I raise a brow as he sits down next to a group of very obnoxious girls who he only uses for their attention.

"It's sad, really. I know I love making new friends and am very outgoing here but he just... uses people and it irks me. He's not as nice as people think, he's always been mean to me for no reason." I narrow my gaze on him as he looks up, making eye contact with me.

I stick my tongue out.

Yeah, that'll show him

"I bet something else is massive too." Jimin giggles, nudging me while Jungkook only smirks, probably reading Jimin's lips.

He proceeds to blow me a kiss and wink so in return I pick up my banana and a plastic knife,  slowly sawing it in half until the tip falls off, making sure he gets my message.

I blow him a kiss back, mouthing 'kiss my ass instead'.

I go back to eating my now sawed in half banana while Jimin talks away about his undying love for thick men. Halfway through lunch we decide to leave early and walk the halls.

"Isn't it odd that he always wears that stupid little piece of shit on his head? What is it, a fucking crown to him?" I huff.

"You mean his hat?" Jimin eyes me, a brow raised at my temper tantrum over Jungkook's... hat.

"Yes! I just want to-," I smack the air in front of me, "smack it from his tiny skull! I don't get why he wears it every day, the same black baseball cap. It's weird." I cross my arms while Jimin laughs at my ridiculousness.

"What if he's balding? Maybe that's why."

Walking to my dreaded class, I wave goodbye to Jimin.

"At this rate I might just steal it off of him to find out. Finding out he's balding would be some juicy blackmail." I smirk, turning to walk inside the class.

"Hmph-" A sound of surprise leaves me as I walk directly into something hard and gasp.

I open my eyes to see Jungkook with an expression I can't even read. He looks... stressed? Maybe mad and worried? I shrug it off and furrow my brow, annoyed that he won't move.

I look at him and cock my head to the side, confused, and that's when I notice his arms are caging me in, presumably so that I didn't fall when I ran into him.

"What's with that look on y-" I go to interrogate him but he cuts me off in a stern, hushed tone.

"Touch this hat and you're dead meat, Y/n. I won't hesitate to bite back hard for once, got it?" He whispers while his dark brown eyes seem to go even darker and I can only stare in disbelief at the way his pupils dilate into thin lines.

He's on drugs isn't he-

For the first time, he's taken my breath away as I stand still, in shock and trying to figure out if I'm just seeing things now.

"Ow, what are you doing-" I wince, my attention being pulled to my arms that he had been gripping suddenly too tight.

His breath hitches and he pulls away fast, my brow furrowing at the deep purple marks from his nails that dug into me. I slowly glance back up at him to ask him what the fuck his deal is when I notice his change in expression.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He whispers in a shocked voice, wincing away from me, seemingly feeling guilty.

"It's okay..." I find myself saying as he rushes past me, leaving to walk into the mens bathroom hurriedly, now my turn to feel guilty as well.

What in the living fuck was that all about?!

I try to shake it off, feeling weird that out of all people he apologized to me.


I take my seat and he comes back soon to class and sits down, neither of us saying a word as we seem to not care anymore about what happened and not wanting to talk about it.

I nod to myself in content at my conclusion I seem to have gotten.


He's definitely going bald under there

I focus on finishing my assignment as Mr. Wang passes back our tests from the day before. I look up and close my eyes, silently praying as he sets the graded test on my desk. I suck in a breath of air and quickly turn it around to see my grade.

"A+!" Jungkook and I gasp in unison.


"You have to be kidding me-" We say.

We both sigh and look at each other's paper, neither of us beating the other by getting a higher score.

"Whatever, I'm going out to celebrate after." I turn away, not caring.

"Well, me too." He scoffs.

As he turns around, I catch myself glancing at his paper in his hands and my eyes trail to his fingers.

How did he leave dark bruises on me when his nails are cut short?


Not me almost forgetting to post this chappy I deadass remember ten minutes ago😳

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