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i switch up my update schedule every week or have setbacks all the time so i'm so sorry you guys have to deal with that🧎🏻‍♀️i can never hold back from posting when i pre write chapters, i'm too excited so here you go!


I cautiously tilt my head down, my eyes trailing from the scenery to his large hands that are gripping my wrists tightly, his veins bulging under his pale skin as he heavily breathes. Taking a slow and deep breath, I decide to attempt to do something that could very well make things worse but hey, you have to at least try when it comes to a situation like this where you don't have many options.

Cautiously and ever so painfully slow, I keep my left hand frozen that's in his grip but begin to move my right hand and his grip tightens more, a hissing radiating from him once again but I proceed in the only plan I can think of in this moment. Even though he's grasping my right hand's wrist, he doesn't pull my hand down or away as I inch it closer to his own left hand. I carefully, softly, place my right hand on top of his left and softly rub my thumb back and forth, trying to calm him.

"Shh, it's okay. I won't hurt you, I'm the one you were sleeping on earlier." I hush him, whispering quietly.

The skin to skin contact seems to make him tense up and immediately stop his hissing but also begin to relax as well. He stays silent as his hands soften their grip on my wrists and he starts to remove them but as soon as I remove my hand from on top of his, he quickly grabs my wrists again and puts my hand back on top of his.

I feel a weight drop off of my shoulders and a smile slowly forms on my face at his cute gesture so I run my smaller hand gently over his own and rub it again with my thumb, just how he wants. I feel him relax more into me, his head falling to the side a bit as if I'm massaging him to sleep or something and I giggle quietly.

"My name is Kim Y/n. Can you tell me yours?" I ask while playing with his fingers in both of my hands.

Unexpectedly, he takes a moment and sighs before clearing his throat and cautiously sitting up and turning around to face me, both of us still on the grass, and that's when goosebumps run over my skin. His sharp, beautiful eyes stare back into mine, the color of them being the exact same as his pupils which makes his eyes look like pitch black circles against the whites of his eyes surrounding them. I can't help but let out a breath of shaky air at just how interesting and even intimidating and creepy they look but they're still breathtaking, nonetheless.

"Min Yoongi." His deep, raspy voice practically slaps me across the face and my heart jumps in my chest.

Oh, wow-

I stare into his eyes a little longer, feeling an odd sensation in me but all I know is that meeting him feels like it was meant to happen. I was meant to help whoever this is, I just know it. It's practically the same feeling I had with Jungkook when I knew he was someone I wanted to keep safe.

He must be important...

A smile spreads on my face, my cheeks tinted pink and my eyebrows raise when he returns a smile back, his pink lips spreading wide and showing his pink gums and white teeth as he fully gives me the cutest gummy smile I think I've ever seen. Suddenly, his smile disappears and he innocently bites his bottom lip as his eyebrows pinch up as if he's about to cry, his eyes watering a bit as if he realized something and just as I'm about to question him, he throws his strong arms around my neck and I fall backwards onto my back on the lilac filled grassy ground underneath us. I can't help but squeeze my eyes shut, wrap my arms around his back and laugh as the man, Min Yoongi, lays on top of me while hugging me close with his head buried in the crook of my neck.

He is absolutely adorable... how sweet...


I peak my eyes open, the sun setting a deep orange over us, and Jungkook stands next to me while his arms are crossed, looking over us with a scowl smacked across his face. I giggle at his frustrated expression and he huffs, annoyed.

"Get off of her." he begins to growl and I lift an arm to try and swat the giant pissy cat away.

Before I can go back to comforting the sweet man, he lifts his head and looks up at Jungkook, blinking a few times in silence before he speaks, "Who the fuck are you? Fuck off, flea ball."

I take back what I said-

"What did you just fucking say you scaley molting son of a bitch? I'll tie your snake body into a pretzel and roast you if you don't- "

"Jungkook! Stop!" I gasp and kick his shin so that he gives the other hybrid some room to breathe, "And as for you, Yoongi, no need to be rude either." I look back to him and he sighs, nodding his head.

Yoongi sits up and crosses his arms, "Sorry, I just don't like other men around my mate."

double update 😩 how sexy am i
don't worry i'm updating tomorrow as well and possibly every day once again it looks like

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