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whoever made this edit i wanna smooch you
c'mon come gimme a kith RIGHT now


panther will have 50-55 total chapters 😭
tbh i've never been so sad about ending a book and i'm so attached to this one?! i need to though since I have so many others and a new one coming august 2nd but if things go very well and for whatever reason it just doesn't feel like it's able to end that fast then POSSIBLY it can be 60, i'll have to see though- that would be the max though for sure 😔


I continue my staring spree as I glance all over his body, only to notice the same black and red snake skin pattern is on other random spots of him as well.

"Those have got to be some pale ass cheeks." I flinch at the sudden voice behind me, "I wonder if he sunburns easily... "

Slowly turning my head around from my crouched position, an ignorant and unfazed Park Jimin waves at me.


"Yes, Y/n?"

"Please shut the fuck up."

"Anything for you." He coos and I roll my eyes, tending back to the naked snake man.

I hear more gasps and footsteps from behind as the others start to gather around the new hybrid and I and they mumble in shock to one another.

"Wait... so, you're telling me that the snake was really a hybrid?! Rubbing up against my girl and sleeping on her?!" Jungkook glares at the limp corpse-looking man and growls, his ears flattening.

👿 🤬😾🖕

"Someone's angies." Hoseok eyes Jungkook.


"Jungkook, relax. The poor thing is a hybrid just like you said, okay? Meaning, he found our place or was possibly left here and tried staying with us for as long as he could." I angrily huff, upset for the mysterious man who clearly needs help, "There's a reason that he stayed, so, our only concern right now should be helping him." I take my black blazer off and crouch back down, leaning forward with my knees in the grass as I carefully start placing his left arm through one of the sleeves as Jungkook sighs and comes closer to help me.

Leaning over him and placing his arms under the man's own and around his back, Jungkook slowly lifts him forward and the man's head tilts back just a bit, giving him enough room to really see the snake hybrid's features clearly as more of his hair fluffs away from his face.

"Oh... oh." Jungkook gulps while staring at the beautiful man as I struggle to get his other arm into the sleeve, "He has such pink kissable lips... and perfect soft skin that is just aching to be caressed... I MEAN- "

We all deadpan with straight faces and suddenly he's up and standing a few feet away like nothing happened.


"Right." I blink a few times before going back to helping the knocked the fuck out man.

"Do you think he molts his skin?"

We all stare back at Taehyung and he just giggles, his tail swaying happily before we go back to Mission: Snake Boy.

"I can handle him by myself but uh... do we by chance have an extra pair of pants?" I raise a brow to Jin and Namjoon and Namjoon's ears perk up before they speed off to grab whatever they, I guess, have in the way of extra pants, "Jimin, Tae and Hobi, please go make some food for him with whatever we have in the fridge, I'm sure that he's very hungry and Jungkook, please go prep a checkup room for him with a few blankets and water and other things he might need to feel safer in our care." I smile, directing them and all four salute me before heading off just as Jin and Joon come running back.

"Here's some extra dress pants that I had in my car I recently bought, they might be uh... " My brother glances down to the man who seems only a tad taller than me, maybe 5'7 or 5'8, "too long for him." He tosses the black dress pants my way and I thank him.

"We'll be prepping the checkup room with Jungkook since he doesn't know what the hell he's doing." Namjoon chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, his tail swaying playfully, "You okay to stay with him for now? We shouldn't lift him just yet, he should wake up on his own because hybrids tend to panic when they wake up in new environments suddenly. I mean- anyone would."

"Trust me, I know all about that." I chuckle, remembering Jungkook's own reaction when he had first woken up in my house.

"Alright, yell for us if something happens."

"Thanks, Joon!" I smile and he gives me a thumbs up before the two head back inside.

I grab the pants and thank God for the fact that my oversized blazer covers his um... lower region. Unbuttoning and unzipping them, I start to pull them up his legs carefully and make sure to not look just in case anything, y'know, pops out.

"I think this is the same level of awkward for the both of us." I sigh to the sleeping man.

I notice a red patch of skin near his head, a bruise forming.

Must've hit his head and knocked himself out when he was running...

Glancing up, a metal pipe protruding from the back of the building seems to be the source of his accident and I'm almost thankful since that was the reason he couldn't run off. Terrible, I know, but he could've gotten hit by a car or taken to be sold off. In general, without an owner and leash, he would've been captured by someone pretty fast if they happened to notice his half human half snake skin.

I zip up and button the pants that are, of course, too long for him just like Jin has said but it's better than nothing.

I sigh and look back to his face to study the man's soft features, slowly running my hand through his two toned hair and moving over so that I can be seated behind him, his body laying between my legs and his head against my stomach so that he's sitting up and not hurting himself anymore since his head was on the hard ground.

My heart feels heavy for whoever this hybrid is, it's obvious that he needed our help but we didn't realize he was a hybrid and he probably didn't change into his human form because he'd be naked. He still tried to stay until we just about accidentally killed him... poor thing.

"It's okay now," I whisper, my arms on the outside of his and my hands holding his forearms as his own hands rest in his lap so that he'd stay in this position sitting against me, not falling over, "you're safe with us and we'll help you. You don't have to worry anymore." I softly rub my thumbs back and forth against his soft skin, my hands slipping towards his thin wrists more.

Totally unaware since I'm looking around at the scenery, his breathing becomes faster and his head moves a few times ever so slightly before suddenly, a sound makes my heart skip a beat quite literally and freeze. A low hissing emits from what I immediately presume to be the Viper hybrid who's also dangerously close and in my arms currently. I gulp and look down, his wrists rotating outwards very slowly so that my hands release him and now his own larger hands grip my own wrists, hard.

I can't help but feel nervous and unable to move, the man is still a hybrid and a very deadly one at that.

it's 10:00 am here, i'm surprisingly posting at a normal time for myself but only because i wrote this yesterday 🤾🏻
i really want mac n cheese and a coffee but i'm instead gonna pass tf out i'm so tired then get up and write for five billion hours again uwu
love yall bby's 💜

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