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4:00 AM

The red glow from the taxi's digital clock and the GPS is the only light in the car that softly blankets us in the back seat. Jungkook's head is leaning on top of mine due to our height difference but I don't complain, I just snuggle in closer to the exhausted and asleep man.

I tighten the blanket around him more, him still shirtless. His hand lays limp in his lap, originally both arms were wrapped around my one arm since he was worried I'd leave or he'd be taken again.

Gripping his hand softly, I rub my thumb soothingly across the back of his hand while I slowly start to drift off into my own peaceful sleep, emotionally and physically drained from todays shocking events but thankful and overjoyed nonetheless.

"Miss? Sir? We've arrived."

My eyes shoot open, the hour long ride over with within what felt like only twenty minutes.

Poor boy was finally getting some very much needed rest

"Thank you." I hand the taxi driver a good amount of cash to really thank him for driving two hours total for us.

"Jungkook, sweetheart? We're home." I softly rub his shoulder to wake him.

He jerks up suddenly, his eyes instantly looking into mine and I nervously try to calm him down so that his cat eyes will go away before the driver sees them.

I nervously laugh and rub his arm, gripping his hands to motion for him to step out. I start to sweat as he growls and his claws start digging into my hands.

So when he wakes up he's on high alert and ready to attack... good to keep in mind

"It's okay," I whisper in his ear, "it's me, Y/n. We're home and you're safe." I help him slowly step out and the confusion and worry on his face is replaced with a calmer expression, memories coming back from what had happened just hours before.

As soon as the realization floods back into him, his arms wrap around my waist from behind and his chin is resting on the top of my head.

"Keep y-you safe." He mumbles and I smile softly, leading us to my house with my bag I had brought in hand.

He stops walking for a moment and glances over to what used to be his home.

"For... sale?"

I hear a sniffle and turn around a bit to see what's going on only to find him teary eyed.

"But... Y/n, that's m-my home? Why is it for sale? I wasn't gone for that long w-was I?" He whimpers.

Tears fill my eyes and I slowly match his gaze that's aimed at his house before I look back up to him.

"How long do you think you've been gone, Jungkook?" I nervously ask.

His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he thinks deeply.

"Two?" He says, unsure as his gaze comes back to my eyes.

"Two... ?" I question, searching his eyes.

"Months." He nods, sure of his answer.

My chest tightens and my hearing grows fuzzy at that one word. My heart pounds as try to swallow the lump in my throat and stay calm so that I don't freak him out more.

"Crying?" His fingers brush the tear away from under my eye and I sigh.

"Let's get you inside and I'll get your bed ready. You need to sleep first and then tomorrow we can talk about everything. I can explain a lot but I also have many questions." I rub his arm and take his hand to lead him inside.

"O-okay." He nods and follows, drained.

I unlock my door and lead him inside, setting my bag aside and locking the door back up. His eyes dart all around the room from the TV to the couch and to the kitchen that's full of food.

"It's been so long... so long since I've l-lived normal." He remarks.

I take a deep breath in, my chest hurting from the constant stutters from his shaky voice.

He's going to be scared still for a while...

"You're back now though and I'll make sure that you live a normal and fantastic life again. I did adopt you so no one can take you now." I lead him through the kitchen that's to my right and then down the hall to the bedrooms.

"My brother left some clothes here when he went to college so I'll get you some and you can either sleep right away or shower before sleeping, whichever you want." I go to my brother's room and take out boxers, a large black t-shirt and black sweats before heading back to Jungkook who's in the spare room that's right next to my own.

"Here's some cl-" I stop in the doorway and lean against the frame, giggling at the boy who's already passed out again, gripping one of my used t-shirts close.

I grin, understanding that my smell must be comforting to him. I've learned about hybrids so I understand that he might do things that most humans don't.

Well, that answers my question... he should just sleep for now

I lay the clothes down, wincing at the sight of the blood and dirt from Jungkook's clothes and body that's now staining the white sheets. I mentally note that I need to order him new bedding as I turn the light off and lay down next to him, covering him with a large blanket.

I gently run my hand through his hair, lightly petting his ears as a small smile appears on his face. His hand softly grips my wrist and he scoots in closer to me.

"Don't leave me..." He mumbles in his sleep and I move closer, laying my hand on his shoulder to let him know subconsciously that I'm still here.

"Don't worry, I've got you... sweetheart." I whisper before falling asleep myself.


I'm sorry yall this was pretty boring but i needed a filler chapter to set up the next ones or else they'd be way too long all in one

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