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I was pouring myself coffee when my phone had buzzed.

I was picking up the mug to drink it when I had read the message.

I was dropping the mug when I had understood what he was talking about.

Who he was talking about.

They have guns

Earlier that day

I grab my laptop and start shopping for summer clothes, content with the break that I'm currently taking from my summer house cleaning.

Ever since my brother left the day after graduation, which was four days ago, I've tried busying myself to distract from how lonely it is here.

Maybe ask Jungkook to come over?

No, that's stupid. He doesn't speak to you unless it's necessary anyways.

I sigh, adding a bathing suit to my shopping cart and walking to my purse to grab my credit card.

"OH SHIT- oh..." I jump at the loud sound of the bag of my coffee grounds falling due to the heavy wind.

I shut the window in my kitchen, laughing at how scared I could be from just a stupid bag. I pick it up, deciding to make some coffee since I haven't tried it yet. While I wait for it to be made I grab my phone and credit card, pocketing them for when I go back to the couch.

I pour the coffee in my mug, my phone buzzing as I do so and I pull it out. I grip the mug handle and bring it to my lips, about to take a sip as I read the message from Jungkook.

My mug falls, hitting and smashing on the counter in front of me and fresh hot coffee splashes back up, burning my neck and hands. I scream out in shock and tears well up in my eyes. Gripping the counter, shards from the ceramic mug sink into my hand.

"They have guns..." I whisper to myself, eyes wide in terror.

I take action immediately, his words repeating in my head. I can't call the police because he's a hybrid and they also won't get here fast enough so I decide to take my life into my own hands. I breathe deeply, eyes wide as I grip the pepper spray in my purse and run out the door only wearing a tank top and shorts.

I walk across my lawn silently but directly to his front door, blood from my hand trailing behind me in droplets. The night sky obscures my sight from anything through his window so without hesitation, I walk right through his front door.

If they were going to cut his ear off in broad daylight, they'll kill him at nighttime.



i never write angsty stuff but omg these are defs stressful chapters rn but i promise itll be cute and happy at some point since the bulk of the book is you living with him

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