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"JEON JUNGKOOK!" The teacher slams her papers against the desk in front of her.

The dark haired boy jerks up suddenly, sleepy yet irritated eyes landing on his pissed off teacher's face.

"You slept through my entire class and then proceeded to sleep through lunch. This cannot keep happening, go! You'll be late." His math teacher ushers him up and out her door as other students begin filing in.

"And what if I don't want to? Doesn't hurt to get some beauty sleep, seems like something you need more of." He scoffs to his teacher and she just smacks the back of his head with her papers.

Stares from female and even male students stay aimed on the attractive and popular boy as he walks down the halls, some trying to talk to him while others opt for handing him papers with their numbers on it.


While walking through the halls, some even turn to whisper.

About him- yes, in a positive way- not always.

"I bet he's on his way to have a bitch fest again in class." A student tells her friend.

"Yep, it's that day again. Test day..." They both watch as Jungkook passes them to walk into his class.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" I angrily yell as I watch him enter the class room.

"Not again." He sighs, tossing his large black book bag down into a seat and hopping up to sit on top of a desk.

My desk.

"Yes, Princess?"

Crossing my arms, I walk closer until I'm close enough to grab the collar of his shirt and yank it towards me. I look him up and down, confident in my actions but annoyed because I know it doesn't intimidate him.

Nothing does.

Still doesn't mean I'm not going to keep being a bitch to him-

I yank him even closer until I feel as if my own laser gaze is (hopefully) burning holes into him.

"You know exactly what you did. The test we took last week, you switched my test version from A to B when I went to the bathroom before starting the test while fully knowing that I had studied for A! That's the one I was assigned to study for so why did I get the B version back with a giant red F on it!" I practically growl down at him.

It amuses him, I can tell but I'm pissed off nonetheless.

His hand snakes around my own smaller hand and grips it softly, I proceed in letting go of his shirt because gross who would want Jeon Jungkook to touch them.

I'm going to cut that hand off now

He scoffs and grins up at me, his legs swinging slightly above the ground.

"Baby, if you bombed the test then just say so, sweetheart. Try harder next time, hm?" He winks.

First degree murder will not look good on a college resume, Y/n-

"Please, come get your papers for today's test, class! When you get yours, you can begin." We both direct our attention to our math teacher who's speaking.

I take my chance to shove him away as we both run up the isle to grab a paper, aiming to beat one another in who finishes first, just like always.

"Move," he tries shoving me out of his way and I elbow his rib, "what- you're just going to bomb the test again anyway, Y/n. Are you that eager to get another F?" He smirks.

"Why are you so eager then, Jungkook? Is it because you already failed math once so that's why you have to take two math classes now? Eager to not fail your senior year, I see." I grin back.

"At least I didn't get an F."

"The only F I have is for fuck you-"

"ENOUGH! Take your seats." Our teacher shoo's us away as we continue to bicker.

Jungkook, to be extra asshole-y today, stops in the middle of the aisle so that I can't get to my desk.

Two can play at that game

I proceed to keep walking towards him until I ever so lightly ram the point of my pointed toed heel directly into his shin.

"Move it, Jeon." I shoo him aside as he wobbles into his chair, moving out of my way and clutching his (definitely) bruised shin.

"Oopsies! By bad, Princess." I grin to him after taking my seat which is, not so shockingly, behind his own.

I hear my teacher sigh heavily and I raise an eyebrow, deciding to proceed in taking my test as quick as I can since I've already wasted time dealing with him.

"Must be interesting to be the love interest."

"What was that, Mr. Wang?" I perk up, not hearing what exactly he had mumbled.

"Are they always like that?" A new student asks the one next to him while watching the two angry students feud while flying through their tests, occasionally kicking at one another under the desk in the process.

"Yeah... that's definitely Jeon Jungkook for you. Charming, cocky and actually very popular especially for his attractive looks. Well, not popular to Y/n. She's the only person who dislikes him that I know of. No one knows why since she's so kind to everyone else but it seems that they clash and argue continuously when it comes to grades and tests."

"Maybe they're just competitive?" The student shrugs his shoulders to the other.

"Maybe... more like conceited. They'd do better if they worked together instead of against one another. I think they'd actually make a good pair if they didn't fight all of the time. They don't know how similar they are to one another, but everyone else can see it." He sighs.

Focusing his attention back to the pair in front of them, he chuckles while watching them attempt to trip one another while trying to turn their tests in.


Double update 😉 Just so I could introduce them both and their dynamic so far.

What do you guys think?!?!??! NSNDJKXSJKK IM SO EXCITED😩😩😩

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