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"STOP CHASING YOUR OWN TAIL!" Jimin yells out to Taehyung who had gotten distracted from chasing me by his own swinging black and orange stripped tail.

"He'll never catch me now!" I laugh in an evil tone, running out of the kitchen once again and into the living room with the plan of taking a break so I begin to slow down.

It's been about seven minutes that we've been at this and it's been fun of course but my lungs need a short break. I turn to see where he went and I jump. With Taehyung right on my heel I gasp and try to bolt away again but a foot trips me and arms grab me as I fall, pulling me onto the couch and onto his lap.

"This is a trap!" I declare while struggling to get out of Jungkook's grasp, wiggling around on his lap as his arms tighten even more to keep me caged in.

"Fuck- " His deep whisper next to my ear makes my heart skip a beat and I realize what's happening so I stop moving all together.

I start to giggle and move again purposely on his growing boner and he only whispers again in my ear.

"You better watch it or else."

"Or else what?" I scoff playfully.

"Don't try me. I'll bend you over and fuck you right now and here for them to watch." He grips one of my thighs harshly and my eyes widen.


With that thought in mind I try to spring up from his lap to get out of this situation but he pulls me back down.

"Hyungie caught Noona! Time for Tae Tae to make her his friend!" Taehyung cheers out, telling Jimin and Jimin nods in response, waiting for him to tackle me like how he did with Jungkook.

"You're giving your hostage away? HEY-" I squirm in Jungkook's arms as he hands me off to a grinning Taehyung.

Immediately now being in the presence of the very friendly tiger, his large hands come up to grip my shoulders softly and he sniffs all around me, occasionally mumbling things like 'strawberry' and 'lavender' as he smells my shampoo and body wash. His soft hands cup and squish my cheeks as he studies my features up close and then runs them through my soft hair to feel the texture.

"Noona pretty. Pretty like hyungie." He whispers and shyly smiles to Jungkook and I.

He's so freaking adorable!

He begins sniffing my neck, less crazily like how he did with Jungkook, and begins rubbing his face onto me while simultaneously leaving little licks to my neck and cheek, making me giggle like crazy.

"So cute! You're a lucky one, Jimin!" I laugh his way as he comes into view.

"I do have the most adorable and sweetest mates ever." He adoringly watches the tiger.

My heart swells knowing that my suspicions were correct. After hearing the nicknames he called him and finding out that Taehyung is indeed not a kid, I had wondered if Jimin was his mate. I knew there was a big chance they were just friends and roommates but the majority of hybrids end up being mates with their owners since they're attracted to them in a "soulmate that I'm destined to meet" type of way which of course brings me joy.

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