Chapter 18: Clone Utopia

Start from the beginning

Witch: And find Valkyrie, the last member of the four shinning stars. Still I see the clone Captains point. What do you think Demon Lord?

Shiki: (smirk) I think we head there. Besides, it be awesome to have all your Clone brothers be back together and they can be our friends!

Boss: Still I don't know.

Quinlan: (smirk) Well ain't that fun if we ignore it.

Y/n: (smirk) I gonna say I agree with that.

Shiki: (smirk) Looks like we are a vote.

Boss: Alright, let's check if this message is true or not.

Shiki: (smirk) Alright! Witch set the coordinates to Tropical-Land!

Witch: As you wish demon Lord.

Then Edens Zero jump into Hyper space and head to Tropical-Land.


On board the empire space station we see Kisho walking through the halls and heading to Zen's private quarters and soon he stand in front of his door and opens it.

There we see him including Flanker in the room as Zen talks to Flanker about a project that the empire has planed when they turn to see Kisho walk into the room and he stood and bow down to Zen.

Zen: (smirk) I heard you've been tricked by my padawan and run off like a scaredy-cat.

Kisho: (anger) Don't put this blame on me! They tricked me!

Flanker step forward a bit but Zen wave his hand to him and he step back while Zen looks at him.

Zen: (smirk) And here I thought you this brave grand Admiral that show no fear ans strike fear to those who threatening the Empire.

He then start to force chock him as Kishi grabs his neck while he was lifted up from the ground while Zen smirks at him even more and gose on to say.

Zen: (smirk) But I see now your just a coward that gotten scared by some fireworks by my Padawan ans his friends. What a shame.

He then throws Kisho to a wall and he was slamed at the wall ane fell to the ground while he cough to catch his breath while Zen turns to Flanker.

Zen: Trace their ship and track them down. This time I wnat them dead.

Flanker: Yes sir.

Then Flanker walks out of thr room to complete his mission while Zen turns to Kisho and Kisho just glare at him which Zen just chuckle a little and walks out of thr room leaving Kisho to anger Y/n and his friends even more.


Y/n and the rest arrived to Tropical-Land and Y/n, Rebecca, Weisz, Pino, Happy, Homura, Shiki and Delta Squad were sent down to the planet to see if the message was real or not.

Rebecca fly her ship over the ocean and she was exited to be in the planet as she looks around the landscape.

Rebecca: (smile) Man this planet is something I really wanna visit this planet. Its so nice, no distractions, no noises just peaceful landscapes and beautiful places to go to.

Happy: And a lot of yummy fishes what I've heard.

Scorch: But aren't you machine? How can you eat fish?

Boss: Enough chatter Squad. Reaching to our location sir.

Y/n: Right. Let's make sure this ain't a trap.

Weisz: Hope not, other wise we are in trouble.

Homura: If we're lucky, maybe my master might be here.

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