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LA was looking for sunny but sunny made it easy for him tho.

Sunny was taking out the trash from his room and the house.

That's when LA  homie checko pointed sunny out.

Sunny wasn't even paying attention that's when LA hopped out sunny then looked at him.

And LA walked up to sunny you door yo snacks sunny.

And he gave em to him but sunny didn't say thank u he just walked off.

Brazil ain't teach you manners. LA said

Maybe she did maybe she didn't sunny replied

LA just laughed

I feel like you bein disrespectful LA replied

Sunny just shrugged and went into the house.

LA then followed behind him heifer sunny cousin shut it all the way.

Bro move weirdo what are you doing sunny said

La Just pushed sunny out the way.

Sunny just looked at him

Yo dad around sunny. LA asked

No he don't mess with me why sunny  replied

No reason

How do you know my mom sunny asked

La tensed up.

He didn't reply he then told sunny he was gonna head out.

Sunny jay shrugged and headed up stairs.


When he asked me that question I froze Bc Ian really have words.

I headed to one of my lul  Hoes house is was wack I wasn't really in the mood no more so i left.

I headed to the trap to check on stuff.

You must be thinkin about Brazil or sum Dom said

Why  u say that  I said

Cause  every time she be on yo mind heavy you start back on lean.

Nah I'm coo  i said

He was right but I wasn't gonna let him know that

He then took my cup outta my hand and dumped it out

Now why tf you do that. I said

Because it's gone mess yo body up. Dom said

You always doing something move out my way. I said

Yea yea dom said

Once everything was coo I headed toward the club gotta make sure that's straight to.

Once I got in there I was hella packed I walked around everything was clear.

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