Ghosts that walk alone

Start from the beginning

They also didn't know they were coming for one. Only the CIA had known about this aspect of the mission. And even then it was only Admiral Reese that authorized her deployment. She was the only one that knew where she was.

Well, besides the crew of the Prowler, but they were all sworn to secrecy for every mission.

Seems the saying really is true after all. The more things change, the more they stayed the same.

And the most important as well? Her armor was a lot more advanced than the original MK IV armor. Her MK V was slightly lighter, significantly faster, and had more maneuverable armor seams that allowed for more free movements. And the biggest one was the energy shields. Suckers were even tougher than field marshall shields.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the doors of the drop bay opened. The black titanium doors slid smoothly into the hull with a faint electrical whir. A far cry from the louder sound as hydraulics that she was used to.

Damn, Will and Quasar really did overhaul a lot of things. She had yet to see all the advancements the two had made. But if this list kept growing, maybe they could go toe to toe with the Covenant. Maybe even kill these 'Homeworld' fuckers that gave them trouble back in Alpha Centauri.

The image of that blue abomination still brought her sought shivers. Just looking at it sent a primal fear coursing through her body. A sense that just screamed what she was staring at was wrong in not just a physical sense, but almost a spiritual and cosmic one as well.

"Drop point is now!" Came the voice of the pilot once again. Naomi didn't hesitate and leaped through the shimmering barrier that had represented the active camo that invaded the ship. Bending the photons around them to make it seem invisible, but also allowed them to see out.

The thin atmosphere of pure oxygen rushed past her visor as she fell. While her suit and even her body was extremely heavy, the thin atmosphere did not help at all. The low gravity of the Jovian moon made her fall significantly slower in general.

But she only watched the snowy white ground slowly approach her. Like talking into a barren hellscape of cold. With nothing but your own mind to keep yourself company.

Her HUD gave her a waypoint that ended several miles away. It automatically zoomed in, filling her vision completely with the structure of the base. The ugly and somewhat ramshackle collection of steel and Titanium prefabricated structures liked out of the glacier it sat upon like a great castle of old.

She sent a mental command to her Mjolnir and the zoom snapped back to normal viewing. Filling her visor with only her shield bar, weapons and ammo, and armor integrity.

Naomi angled her blue armored body in the direction of the base. Letting the atmosphere and low gravity do part of the trick. But a certain jetpack strapped to her back also gave the rest of the energy needed.

The compressed hydrazine mixture burned a bright white as it ejected out of the thrust baffles. Propelling Naomi at a speed near those of the fighter planes of old.

She'd like to see these damn Innies try and shoot her down though.

She sent yet another mental command that had her visor shift once more. Giving her a small box in the center of her vision that told her the distance to the base. Which was rapidly dropping by the second.

At only a mile out she cut the stealth jetpacks thrusters. Even with the quiet and baffled engines on her back. She still wouldn't risk it. No point in being spotted on a stealth mission.

The ground approached her far faster than it did before as she'd angled downward before the engines cut. With less drag to slow her down, it was a fast landing.

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