Spin It Till You Win It

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They both turned and saw Zuko was no longer on the deck, but someone saw what happened to him. "Prince over board!"

Everyone went to the side of the ship to see Zuko had fallen off the ships deck in his uncontrolled spinning and was now swimming in the water.

"You alright prince Zuko!?" Iroh shouts below. "Bring me up now!" He yells. "Good job! Tomorrow we learn how to stop," Kai calls. "Shouldn't that have been the first thing you taught me?" Zuko asks.

"Yeah........ I forgot to," Kai shrugs than promptly runs to find a place to hide before Zuko got back and killed him.


"I'm just saying that Aunt Wu is a total fake," Sokka goes on.

"Yeah, but it's still fun," I said and went in after Katara. We had come to this village due to the mystery lady that is said to tell the future. While I'm skeptic it is still fun to check it out.

I entered the large room with a hearth in the center and fluffy pillows scattered about. Aunt Wu had a kind smile and her grey hair done up elaborately in similarly elaborate robes.

I sat down where she gestured for me to be. "Hello young child. Pick a bone," she said and I do so. "Now place it in the fire," She said. I do so skeptically and the bone begins cracking. "You know I have another friend called Wu, he's mystic, and he sometimes looks for the future in a a fire," I commented. "Maybe we're related. Wu is a family name after all," she said. "I doubt that," I stated.

"I see you are lying to your friends out there," I was instantly on edge. "How?" I asked. "But you have noble intentions," She said and another crack appears. "I see you are not working alone, you have a brother who has a unique fire in him," She continues. I was creeped out at this point. She took the bone out from the fire with tongs and inspected it.

"I see your from a land far away, you have abilities people here can only dream of, I see your brother's future too," I was scared at this point, but I couldn't help asking. "Is he okay?" I asked. "I see one of you will have to make a sacrifice or risk never returning home, but if the right one does it than with a price you shall succeed," She explains. "A price? What do you mean a price?" I asked. "Time shall reveal, but know that if the wrong one does the sacrifice you shall fail and never return home," I looked at her. "Your lying, this is bullshit!" I stood up and ran out.

I ran all the way to the edge of the village where Appa was. "She's wrong, she's wrong it's bullshit," I said and collapsed to my knees. I looked around and saw no one except Appa around so I let out my emotions.

I try so hard to keep my emotions in check, but I'm scared. I want to go home to Ninjago, I want my brother with me, I want my boyfriend, I don't want to do any of this!


I don't turn to the voice trying to hide my snot and tears. "Go away," I sniffed. I see Sokka bend down in front of me looking concerned. "What's wrong?" He asks me. He asked it like a brother would and that just makes me cry even more. "Hey calm down what's wrong? What did she say?" Sokka asks.

I still cry. "Hey just let it out," he hugs me and I cried into his shoulder. Once I had calmed down enough he asks. "Now what's wrong?" He asks me. "I, I'm scared," I admitted. "Is it what she said? Don't listen to her it's going to be fine and it's not like she knew anything," Sokka said. "But, she knew things," I said. "Like what?" Sokka asks. "Where I'm from, and," I paused looking at him. "Do you promise not to tell Katara? Or Aang? Or anyone?" I asked him. He looks skeptic. "Nya if this is," "please don't tell anyone. I'm dying on the inside and I need to tell someone," I said desperately. He sees my desperation and blood shot eyes. "Okay I promise I won't tell anyone," He said.

I take a deep breath. "I have a big brother," I blurted out. Sokka was surprised, but I wasn't done. "And he's Kai," now that had him jumping up. "Wait you mean? That sword wielding guy who's been with prince Zuko?" Sokka asks than ran his hand through his hair. "Of course, why didn't I realize. You both showed up out of nowhere," he said. "I promise he isn't evil. We were tasked with a mission that when the time came Kai would teach Aang fire bending, in the meantime he's trying to get prince Zuko to betray the fire nation and join us," I explained. "Him? Join us? Yeah no that's never going to happen," Sokka laughs.

"It has too, if we want the war to end we need the leaders of every nation all fighting for peace. Zuko is next in line and with him on our side we will have someone who wants peace as much as the rest of the world," I explain. "What makes you think he would do that? Everyone in the fire nation are blood thirsty killers," Sokka said. "Do you really believe that Sokka? You were there when Zuko saved that village. He could have just left himself, but he stayed and protected the people who aren't even part of his nation! You were there so do you really believe that?" I asked. Sokka looks at me and opens his mouth to retort, but it dies on his lips. "Okay even if he isn't a total jerk than what about his father? He's trying to capture Aang for his father to give him his honour," Sokka said. "Well you clearly don't know how to read between the lines. Every time he says honour he's saying love," Sokka looks at me like I grew a second head.

"Kai's been telling me everything he knows about Zuko. Apparently Zuko's father hates his son because to him he's weak, but Zuko himself is in denial about it. And the prince actually cares about his nation and it's soldiers. If we can convince Zuko his dad is a jerk that doesn't care about him and join us than we'll have a future fire nation leader on our side," I explained.

"Okay I see the idea, but the reality can't happen. I doubt the fire lord would have done anything to warrant prince nut job to betray his dad," Sokka said. "Try burning his face off," I said full on serious.

Sokka pauses at this and looks at me. "Are you serious?" "Some people just weren't meant to be parents," I replied. Sokka looks at her opening and closing his mouth.

He takes a moment and I'm pretty sure he's remembering how Zuko charged into a town about to be flooded to save one little girl and risked his life to save that town from being destroyed.

"Fine what's your plan?" Sokka asks. Instead of answering I gave him a big hug. "Your the coolest one here!" I said. "Yeah yeah, but let's face it I don't carry much being a none bender with no fighting skills," Sokka said jokingly, but there was some hurt in his voice.

"I can help with that," I said. "How?" He asks me. I smiled and asked.

"Ever heard of spinjitzu?"

Ninjago's AvatarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora