All of the time we spent locking eyes made me want to run up to him and forgive him for all that he had done.

In a moment where he was vulnerable, I felt as if the other events were now irrelevant. Almost wiped from my mind.

Slate-blue eyes, heavy-lidded, desperate to be relieved of this intensity. Disapproval gleamed in my own. It was a moment of pure raw emotions, both of us reaching out with our eye contact. Only one thing was stopping us from coming closer to each other, that was Darcy.

The long lasting engagement between our eyes helped me read Pat. He was typically a hard person to read but in this instance, the walls had been smashed down.

I was able to grasp each emotion as he felt it. Right now, I knew he felt vulnerable and in need of assistance as Darcy threatened to make things worse.

Within the same very second, our contact was snatched away. Pat instantly squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth in agony as Darcy threw a fist to his abdomen. Now hunched over and wallowing in pain, Pat absorbed the numerous hits as my panic set in.

"No!" I shrieked with tremendous fear.

My reflexes proved a worthy asset as I quickly reacted. I strived toward them when I was collected by one of Darcy's teammates, refraining me from reaching the two of them. He held me back with each arm enclosing my body, my back rested against his chest as I kicked and screamed in panic.

Another hit him, a left hand in the V under his ribs where the sternum ends. It temporarily paralysed his diaphragm and he gasped and doubled over and then pitched forward onto the pavement of the driveway.

"No! Stop it! Leave him alone" I shouted in the deepest of tones.

Anguished, blood-curling, gut-wrenching screams exited my mouth followed by some foul mouthed words in expression of my anger.

The sharp, shrill scream of his name rose above the tumult. Heart pounding in my ears, screaming along with tears of hysterics.

Each hit he took echoed another shriek through the suburban streets. As he took the beating, the others looked away in avoidance of association. Yet being there with Darcy was enough to fill me with loathing.

I was a quivering mess. He was beaten, bruised, wishing he could sink into the floor while I continued to try and break free from the tight grasp of those around me.

Panicked, adrenaline takes over me as I attempt to break free. A sickly feeling comes over me, I eventually grew exhausted from trying to wiggle myself loose.

As aggressively as I could in an attempt to break my bondage, I then froze. Sending a surge of electrons to every nerve in my brain.

Every muscle in my face tightened, my face turned solid red, I can no longer hold in my desire to scream. The next scream was so intense that it through them off their task.

The clasp around my waist loosened at the slightest. As I felt it quickly, I was able to charge free of their grasp and leap toward Pat. Darcy was tiring and as I reached them, he finally took a step back. Allowing Pat to fall to the ground with a thud.

Using all of my driving force, I splayed my hand on Darcy's chest and propelled him away from Pat. He looked at me, eyes squinted, still with so much desire for revenge.

Less than a second later, this need for reprisal vanished as he realised what he had done. Still feeling accomplished in his choice of actions, he didn't back down in an apologetic way. But by the look in his eyes, he was afraid of the damage he had caused.

"Are you happy now? Get out of here!" I shouted at the group, watching them scurry away with their tails between their legs.

Turning my focus back to Pat, the whimpering started as I began to notice how much pain he was in.

Always You || Patrick CrippsWhere stories live. Discover now