"Jolteon, use…" Aaron started, but before he could get any further Charizard fired a Flamethrower at his Pokémon. "What the… Jolteon, dodge now!"

Jolteon didn't waste a moment, diving to the right, but as he climbed back to his feet, he saw another Flamethrower racing in. Another dodge, and another, but he wasn't quick enough and was clipped by the attack.

"Jolteon, try to get a Thunderbolt off." Aaron called.

"Hurdle it." Ash barked, his first command.

As Jolteon's attack raced in, Charizard simply flapped his wings, and leapt over the attack, carrying him closer to Jolteon. Too close, as Aaron suddenly realized, too late.

"Jolteon, get out of there!" Aaron roared, but it was too late. Charizard unleashed a devastating Fire Blast that sent Jolteon skidding across the field, clearly knocked out. As Charizard moved back to his starting position, a hush descended on the stadium.

"And 'Champion' takes the first round with an utterly devastating combination. I have to admit folks, this isn't the first time I've seen him battle, but this appears to be his best yet. Aaron is going to need everything he has to endure this!"

"Wow…" Mellanie said quietly. "Just… how good is he?"

Cynthia glanced over and smiled at the two youngsters, who were still Ash's only students. She had met them a few days before, but remembered their names from her first training camp, so was pleased to see them. "Very." She said, before turning her eyes to Delia. "And part of it is thanks to you."

"Me?" Delia asked, startled. "What do you mean?"

"We know who he is." Cynthia said.

"I know, Ash told me, but…"

"And I know who you are, Mrs Ketchum."

"I still don't see how…"

"It's simple." Cynthia said with a smile. "When he was away, his Pokémon were his family. And however much he would have tried to deny it, he needed human company. Company that really cares about him. You provided that, and because of you he is more complete. It will reflect in his battling, and his outlook. Who knows, he may even lighten up one day."

Cynthia turned back to the battlefield, leaving Delia with a wide smile on her face. While Espeon had commented on the effect she had had on her master, she hadn't truly believed it. However, the more people told her, the more it sank in.

Aaron recalled his Jolteon in a state of shock. His first Pokémon was usually enough to at least get a few hits in to tire out an opponent, if not take the first round. While he hadn't expected to actually beat 'Champion' it was terrifying to be reminded of the gap between them so bluntly. He reached down to his belt to try a different Pokémon. One which hopefully would be able to dodge better.

"Xatu, come on out."

Ash watched silently, his mind elsewhere. Being back at the World League was making him reflect on everything that had happened since he was last here. And the obliteration of Jolteon reminded him of the first time he had faced his old friends. Particularly Misty. He remembered the way she had fought against him, utterly outclassed yet desperate to make an impression. And eventually thrashed. But not giving up. The way he remembered Misty. And enough to convince him that she would kill him if she ever found out who he was, not least because he had suspended her. Some of his other friends wouldn't be as aggressive, but he knew he couldn't reveal himself to one of them, and not all. Their faces flickered in front of his eyes. Gary, his rival, and the man he had always been slightly intimidated of, reduced to near stammering when he had interviewed him. Dawn, the bubbly girl he had once known, grown up and a leading Coordinator. Brock, who had finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a Pokémon Doctor. Even James from Team Rocket, who Ash knew had abandoned their organization a long time ago, even if he had only found out the reason recently from Pikachu. Yet he didn't want to see any of them. Ash knew he could be accused of being cowardly, but he was doing what he felt was right. He had moved on from his friends, and they wouldn't recognize him anymore. In fact, they hadn't when he had seen them.

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