Tobias' eyes narrowed as Latios struggled against Espeon's hold. His Pokémon was really struggling and hadn't made any impact since the battle began.

"Espeon, Shadow Ball."

As the attack crashed into Latios, he was still held in place by Espeon's Psychic, which he was fighting against. He glowed purple again, and this time the cry of pain was even louder.

"Latios, get away from that Pokémon, NOW." Tobias shouted, his composure completely gone again. Across the field Ash struck again without remorse.

"Espeon, Hyper Beam." He ordered.

As the golden beam crashed into Latios, another attack appeared behind the Eon Pokémon and crashed into him. There was a dual scream of pain from the legendary as it flew across the field until it finally hit the ground and skidded to a halt. As Latios slowly lifted into the air again, clearly at the end of its tether, Tobias held out a Pokéball.

"Latios, return." As his Pokémon returned to its ball, he glared across the field at his opponent. One victory and he had clearly underestimated the Pokémon Master. The voices in his head that had been getting progressively worse throughout the battle had vanished towards the end of his fight against Altaria, but were back once again. As he replaced Latios' Pokéball he muttered to himself.

"Leave me alone. I can beat him. I always win. I can't lose."

Across the field Espeon sat quietly, her gaze fixed on Tobias. Behind her Ash stood silent again, his eyes also not leaving his opponent. Tobias started to feel edgy underneath their gaze as he considered which Pokémon to switch to.

"Stop it." Tobias snapped.

"I'm not doing anything Tobias." Ash said calmly. "Now choose a Pokémon."

"Wow. Just wow." Cynthia whispered. Espeon had just destroyed a legendary Pokémon without even seeming to try.

"Please tell me Espeon is 'Champion's' strongest." Lance said. "Latios didn't stand a chance. I don't see how anybody could."

"I just wonder how long Tobias can stay in this." Steven said. "And that's saying something given that he's got a team of legendary Pokémon."

"Speaking of Tobias, what is he doing?" Lance asked.

All three of them focused on the trainer below who seemed to be having an argument with himself, before he fell to his knees again.

"He looks like he is struggling… 'Champion' might be pushing him too far." Cynthia said.

"How many Pokémon has he lost?" Lance asked. "I thought it was just the one? Why is he struggling so much?"

"I don't know." Cynthia said quietly. "But I think we need to be ready to move soon. 'Champion' looks like he wants this to end."

Tobias glared around before throwing a Pokéball into the air. Rayquaza appeared once again with a roar, glaring down at Espeon and Ash. Espeon glared straight back while Ash focused his gaze onto Tobias.

"You should give up." Ash said to his opponent. "Surely you know by now you can't defeat me?"

"I will always win." Tobias barked. "Always. You cannot defeat me 'Champion'."

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