Chapter 53

306 13 25

(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


[ Word count : 953 ]


"Soooo..... What do we do to pass the time now?" Dream saying this while walking backwards to see and hear what will they say or answer to him.

Wilbur got this mischievous smile on his face and Puffy noticed this. "Well we could ki-" She quickly covered his mouth. "Kill this one or talk to pass time" Smiling sweetly at her former 'duckling', her grip got tighter and Wilbur's face comically turning blue. Probably due to lack of air but who knows. She didn't even give a fuck about this, even though she's not her duckling anymore, that doesn't stop her from being protective of him.

"Okay..." Dream got this suspicious face in his face and after half a second it dropped off and back to his cheerful persona, ignoring that Wilbur might die from the death grip of Puffy.

"Does this type of Egg can be cook? If it is then what type of style? Sunnyside up? Scramble egg? Omelette?" He fired them, questions after questions. He didn't even trip into something since some of the road they're walking had some holes in it.

"I'd say Omelette, I haven't had that since 7 years" Fundy answer first, he's trying to get to Dream's side so if Dream tripped he could catch him before he fall.

"I never eaten one since I'm a crow hybrid, a animal that lay egg but this Egg is exceptional, so Omelette" You all know who this is.

"Hmmm... I'll pick cake, so the first taste will be sweet cause we don't know what it's taste like" The sweet bakery lady smile softly, as if there's light coming out of her or they could just be seeing things but her surroundings lights up a little.

"All of the above, this is a big Egg we're talking about" Wilbur escaped the grip of death, now moving to Philza's side so Puffy couldn't chocked him again.

"I'll try anything as long as it is edible and tasty" Puffy had this small shadow on her face, disappointment radiating out of her but it was masked by her smile.

Wilbur just chuckle nervously at his spot while caressing his neck gently. He doesn't wanna die permanently thank you very much, and besides, he had a love to conquer.

Fundy on the other hand saw something red moving to them slowly. Must be his hallucinations but it's still moving towards them. Philza saw this and ask the beast man.

"You okay Fundy?" Fundy still not moving his eyes from something. He slowly moved his head to look at Philza, giving the man with a small smile before going back to what he was doing.

"I'm okay but I saw something red from there"

Pointing towards it, Philza looked where Fundy's pointing at and see something red moving.

"There is one" He said in affirmation, then calling out the others. "Hey guys come here for a moment"

"What is it Phil?"


Squinting their eyes, narrowing their sight at it and something red noodle like thing wiggling or inching towards them.

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