Chapter 6

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Ideas is all I need here at the moment since I started this story...

Cause right now I'm having a writer's block..

Even though it's only chapter 6...
With the help of you all...
Maybe, just maybe I will get all my motivation...
Sooner than later...


A formal english with a lot of grammatical errors along the way so beware of those..

{Word count : 1196}


Ghostbur was still shock that Dream is a ghost, he didn't know that he will be a ghost or something, maybe he had an unfinished business here like him too.

This made the poor ghost confused and he look at his brother and dad, they nod their heads in confirmation that Dream is really a ghost like him.

Then literally a couple of seconds later the two ghost were playing and talking to each other. Ghostbur and Dream hang out after that introduction. Both of them start to do some ghost stuff that no one know except the two of them, till night time.

While they hang out a figure in a red sweatshirt or hoodie run to the snow biome in a breaking speed, only to stop when he saw a cabin at the clearing spot inside the forest pretty hidden from the outside. He can feel his brother's presence inside that cabin as well the two presence of two people and one ghost.

He walk closer as the presence of his brother got stronger as he walked closer and closer to that cabin. He knocked on the door once he's infront of the door, he waited in silence and a man in white, green hat and a humongous wings opened the door with a sword on his hands but when he saw him he let out an sigh of relief and let him inside the house.

"What's your name?" The man ask him as they set their sword back to the chest where they belong.

"I'm Nightmare, Dream's twin brother" this information doesn't seem to suprise the man, only taken him by a little suprise reaction like only his eyes widen and nothing more or less than that.

"I noticed that since my son told me, but I'm still suprised that he has a brother let alone a twin"

"Now I'm curious about your son on how he knows even when we never met or maybe because my brother informed him about me" he asked the man.

"You're correct about the second one, your brother did tell my son about you" they sat on one of the couches and a pinkette hybrid was just sleeping there peacefully.

"So I was right he is here after a long hours of finding him and it's about time that the moon come out with a bunch of mobs" he let out an relieve sigh when he's right about his brother right here and not to go out there again with no clue where his brother at.

"I'm Philza Minecraft, but call me Phil or Philza whichever you prefer is okay, and the one over there" he points the sleeping hybrid "Is Technoblade or you can call him by Techno for short"

"Hey Phil, can you show me where's my brother?"

"Oh God, I almost forgot about that" Philza chuckled "He's with my other son, Wilbur or Ghostbur since he's also a ghost like your brother"

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