Chapter 50

360 19 17

A/N: I had completely forgot to put a curse image up there, so here you go.



[ World count : 1115 ]


Wilbur opened his eyes slowly, groaning as the light hit his eyes, blinding him for a moment. Trying to get up only for the pain from the back of his head start to run through his entire being, rubbing the sore spot and feeling as a small bump form there.

"What happened?" Jumping slightly when he hear his voice, it didn't echoed like it used to, is he? Raising his hands up, eyes widening as he saw an arm, not transparent like how a ghost should have. "They revived me?" Touching his face, feeling the warmth spreading through him, tears building up to the corner of his eyes. "I'm alive!"

As he yell that, bunch of hurried footsteps came to his room and five people bust open with some weapons in their hands, searching for intruders, they saw nothing but a happy crying Wilbur with a huge smile in his face. Relaxing a bit, putting their weapons and approach the man. "You scared us there Wil, we thought there's an enemy here" Fundy joked, his hands around an oblivious Dream who beamed at Wilbur.

Puffy and Nikki gave him a big hug before giving him some gapple and regen pot to make sure he's healthy. "Don't say anything, eat and drink that so we can be sure that you're healthy as you can be" He was about to protest until Phil has spoken up. "Do it son, I'm not losing you again" A soft yet sad smile was plastered in his face that made Wilbur eat the gapple and drink the pot without anymore protest, he doesn't want to hurt his father even more than it should be.

"Glad you're not on a mumbling spree today or Nikki will do it again" Dream sheepishly scratch the back of his head while slowly inching closer to Wilbur's bed to sit on. "Wha?" Wilbur's about to say a sentence but a hug from Dream stopped him. "Shhhh, don't worry about it, just be happy that we're alive again" He whispers to him, pulling out from the hug and gave his smile. Wilbur's face became a red tomato, as his mind continue to process what just happened.

Nightmare suddenly became visible and pull his brother closer to him and quickly put him into an protective embrace while glaring daggers at Wilbur.

'You taint my brother's innocence, I won't hesitate to kill you again'

A message from his glare that didn't go unnoticed by everyone except Dream. Drista floats above her big brothers, not before she was visible to everyone while giving her chilling smile, ruffling her brother's hair. Raising one of her hand with a silver thing at her clutches.

'I have a fork and I will plunged your eyes out if you taint him'

They should've laugh at that but the seriousness at her glare and smile, shut them up, knowing that she will do it one way or another. Dang the Was taken siblings are overprotective and scary when they wanted it to be, especially if the subject is Dream.

*Ehem* "After that, Do you two know what happened at the others?" Phil ask the two siblings, slowly easing the tension that has wiggle its way to the room. Noticing the tense form of the two only mean one thing and praying to gods above that it's not what he's thinking. Fundy, Nikki, Puffy, Wilbur and Dream got the message and let it sink for a moment for them to process before releasing a sharp gasp.

"Oh god- are they atleast alive?" Puffy hoping for them to say yes and to her luck, they nodded their heads. "They're alive, how many lives do they have left?" Nightmare give his sister a glance, seeing as she look down, it's an anonymous decision that he will deliver the message.

"Sam, Sapnap, George, Karl and Quackity are on their last life" He starts, taking more air in and continue. "Eret, Hannah, Callahan and Jack still have their two lives" He heard them release a relieved sigh and he can't blame them. "Techno still have his three lives" Phil and Wilbur chuckle at this, muttering "Technoblade never dies" something like that. "The four minors still had their lives with them, the adults protected them" That let them release a big air, putting their hands in their chest while other run their hands to their hair, clearly happy with that.

"Thank God the kids aren't harm"

A comfortable silence flows to the room, it last a full hour before Nightmare ask them.

"So what now?"

Yeah, what now?

That is something they didn't discuss yet and surely they will now. It's a long hour of debate and throwing ideas to one another, constructing a plan carefully to probably defeat Muza- *ehem* Lucid. Settling for about a month of gathering more resources, making more armour for their friends, and training each day.

Nightmare trained Dream for his magic and everything he needs to learn in battle. Knowing that the blond is a fast learner and wants to try new things out of curiosity and fun. It's a habit that he never grew up, even after death and revival. Drista also came to train her brother how to be tactical and menace in a battle, cause a little dirty tricks up to their sleeve wouldn't hurt anyone other than their enemy right?

Wilbur was trained by Philza and Fundy, cause it seems like he lost some of his touch in fighting and he needs to train more.

Puffy and Nikki trained on their own with Drista constantly popping out of nowhere to join for a while then disappearing like a bubble.


"Just how strong were those poison that it paralyzed me for about two to three months?" XD grumble angrily, trying to get out of the restraints he was in. It's no ordinary chains, designed only for Gods to slowly weaken them even further by sucking their power and strength each second.

"My little Daydream please be careful, sorry that Dad can't help you"

"Promise that I will break out of this and be there for you even if it kills me"

All of the Wastaken family are a close knit-family, they are protective and will do anything to protect the ones they loved one way or another.

"Brother once I get out of this chain, I promise you that you will die from my own hands"


Lucid chuckled at his chair, watching the floating ball from its grasp with XD's little promise being spied on.

"I will wait on that promise XD" Smiling at no one but the ball. "But for now, your little boy is safe with Night"


A/N: The end is near. This book will end soon my dear readers. I'm serious, this ain't gonna be a miscalculation like last time.

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