Chapter 21

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{ Word count: 811}


"They are really having fun under this chaos going on, eh?"

He smirks at this, his little plant are now spreading across the place with four new puppets under his control.

"In the middle of war you must be always vigilant and not screw around or it will be your inevitable downfall~"

He said to no one. Eyes following every scene in the void he's in, then another play thing caught his cold unforgiving eyes.

"New target locked on~
Now little invisible strings on my hands~
Time to wrap yourselves to this little unfortunate soul~
Do your best to make them under my control"

He smiles as his invisible strings wrap tightly to this person and no one even know who they are. He tied them up like a little puppet they are. He chuckled in amusement as this little puppet was struggling to get out of his strings.

"My little marionette, didn't I already told you that I will comeback for all of you? Try all you can to get out but it's useless"


"Where am I?"

"Someone help me!"

"Anyone? Please!"

Their plead wasn't heard at all as they were trapped inside a little prison in their own mind, watching as their body is controlled by something or someone.

"Now I know what's Dream felt like, heh...
Being controlled by someone you don't know and not even your friends noticed it"

They held their head down in sadness, eyes sparkling with tears each side as it falls silently to the ground of their captive prison mind. They smiled sadly as they know this isn't even the slightest pain of what their friend had to go.

"Will they even noticed that it's not me?"

They thought but they know that it's not time to be defeated yet, they still need to apologize to him and make things right.



Someone on the group, starts to blend themselves in. No one noticed this change of behavior. They act like what they need to do, following where the string will pull and to avoid the suspicions.

They will act like everyone in here, what's his place. Talking to them if ask and listening to them like right now.

"Can the book really save you all now?....













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