Jet stood and was smiling victorious and looked to long shot who had blown the blow dart. "Nice job," Jet said to him. "Jet that's one of prince Zuko's crew members! If he's here we need to leave before the prince gets here," Sokka warns. This gains Jet's interest. "Crew member huh? Smellerbee, Sneers, search him and then tie him up and take him back to the hide out," Jet turns to the old man still on the ground. "You go tell your prince where his precious crew member is,"  He said. "Jet no we don't need a hostage," Sokka tries to reason.

"Your not the leader here Sokka," Jet said coldly. The freedom fighters moved out with Pipsqueak carrying Kai over his shoulder. Sokka looks back at the old man before following the freedom fighters. He went ahead catching up to Jet. "Jet trust me you don't want to mess with the prince! He's a jerk and he'll burn this forest to the ground," Sokka tries to warn the leader of the freedom fighters. "I have a plan for that," Jet answers.

"Jet this is wrong!" Sokka tries to argue, but it fell on deaf ears. "This is war Sokka," Jet answers.

They arrived back in the tree house and Sokka went to his friends. Nya and Katara were practicing water bending while Aang was being attacked by Momo throwing sparks at his feet.

"We need to leave," Sokka said. They looked at him and Katara asks why. "Your boyfriend Jet is a thug! He robbed and terrorized a old man. Not to mention he's just kidnapped a guy that could get us killed!" Sokka explains. "What? Jet would never do that," Katara defends. "Who did he kidnap?" Nya asks. "That guy with the swords from Zuko's crew," Sokka answers and Nya's eyes widened. "I want to hear Jet's side of the story," Katara states.

They went to Jet's tent and didn't find him there. They looked around and quickly found him watching as his child soldiers tied Kai to a metal pole with chains. Kai was awake and was struggling in his chains and trying to bite anyone who got near him. "Jet!" Nya came forward and slapped the guy before he got a chance to talk. "What are you thinking! Kidnapping a member of the prince's crew?!" Nya yells at him.

Jet glares at her. "I wouldn't expect a ash maker's daughter to understand," He said. Nya crosses her arms while Kai's eyes widened considerably. "Jet, Sokka said you robbed a harmless old man. Not to mention this is endangering us," Katara said. "The man was fire nation and sent as a distraction so this boy could kill me. Of course I easily took him down," "You hit me with a blow dart," Kai argues pulling against the chains. "And he was defending the old man from you. Fire nation or not he was the good guy in that situation," Sokka said.

"Besides he's leverage, the prince plans to burn the forest down as requested by his father. You know the type, spoilt brat wants to make it big. With this ash maker we've bought ourselves some time," Jet said. "I have a name," Kai said and was slapped in the face by Smellerbee. "Quiet!" She hisses at him.

"See Sokka? Sure he has different methods, but they work well," Katara said happily. "Are you kidding me? So kidnapping is okay now?" Nya asks. "I kind of agree with Nya this doesn't seem right," Aang said. "Don't worry we won't hurt him. Smellerbee can get carried away with prisoners," Jet explains.

Sokka glares at Jet because this doesn't feel right at all. From the corner of his eye he saw Nya and Kai exchange eye contact, but he doesn't dwell on it. "You want to listen to his lies go ahead. I'm going to saddle Appa up, we are getting out of here before Zuko shows up," Sokka said about to leave. "We can't leave now we need to help them against Zuko," Katara argues. "Is everyone ignoring how he's kidnapped him?" Nya asks gesturing to Kai.

"It's just for now. We'll help you Jet," Katara said and Aang nodded in agreement. Nya looks so angry she storms out and heads straight to her tent to grab her stuff. She doesn't care if this jepordizes the mission she needs to get Kai out of here and away from this sociopath.

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