From Ny:

Look T, I'm sorry.

To Ny:

Sorry doesn't cut it! I came to you and sorted things out between us! I put my stupid pride to one side and came to see you to sort things! You promised I could be involved in your baby's life. You even said I could go the next baby scan and you went without me! I tried to sort things between us. We've been mates for years, Ny!

From Ny:

Like I said, I'm sorry. Lewis thought it should be just me and him. He said, it's not her fucking baby, it's not even related to her so why the fuck should she come along? I wanted you to be there. You're my best friend, T, please?

To Ny:

I've heard enough of your pathetic excuses and I don't wanna hear any more! 

She threw her phone across the studio and stormed off. Dappy and Fazer looked at each other puzzled and Fazer picked her phone up, made sure it wasn't broken and saw the messages T had sent to Ny. He wasn't checking up on her, it was just how she'd thrown the phone.

Dappy: What the hell's up with her?

Fazer: Here duks. Her and Ny again.

Dappy: What's happened now?

Fazer: I think Ny's left her out of the baby scan that she promised T could go to.

Dappy: Why does she always fucking let her down?

Fazer: I dunno mate, I'm gonna go see if she's OK anyway.

Dappy: OK mate.

Fazer grabbed his spare hoodie that he always left in the studio and he ran outside and saw Tulisa sat on the step crying. He walked up to her and put his arms around her. He put his spare hoodie on her to keep her warm.

Fazer: Listen T, when you threw your phone, you left it on the messages so me and Dappy know what she's done.

Tulisa: Why does she always do this to me? She knows I wanted to go!

Fazer: I don't know babe. How about me and you go to Costa and get some coffees?

Tulisa: Yeah cool. We should see if Dappy wants one too?

Fazer: Yeah you go wait in my car, I'll go and ask him.

Tulisa: OK.

Fazer goes back into the studio to ask if Dappy wants a coffee. 

Fazer: Daps man, me and T's off to Costa, do you want anything?

Dappy: Nah, I'm good mate. Is she alright?

Fazer: Yeah she's just upset.

Dappy: Alright, well take as long as you want yeah?

Fazer: Cool mate, see you in a bit.

Dappy: Yeah see you.

Fazer goes back out to his car and sees Tulisa wrapped up in his little blanket that he always left in the back of the car. He smiles and gets in beside her.

Fazer: You nice and warm down there?

Tulisa: Yeah.

Fazer: Good, Dappy doesn't want anything so he said we can take as long as we like.

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