Chapter 4.

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The next day Tulisa was in the studio with Dappy and Fazer. She'd barely spoken to Dappy all day. Dappy, getting annoyed with the tension, said he was going outside to fly his toy aeroplane.

Dappy: I'm off man, you could cut the atmosphere in here with a knife!

Tulisa: Fine, me and Faze will finish this song that we ALL started last week! You go take your plane and fuck off and do us all a fucking favour! 

Dappy: I will.

Tulisa: Good!

He went outside and Fazer sat with Tulisa and turned her so she was facing him. He tried to talk to her about talking to Dappy.

Fazer: T, you have to talk to Dappy.

Tulisa: He won't understand.

Fazer: How do you know unless you try?

Tulisa: You've seen what we've been like with each other. I can't talk to him, not yet.

Fazer: OK, well I'll let you decide when you wanna talk to him, but the sooner you do it and clear the air, the sooner we can all work together and get the final stages of this album finished. We need to do the artwork and pick the songs that we want on the album. We must have done at least 20.

Tulisa: I just, don't know how he's gonna take it do I?

Fazer: I can be there too, if you want?

Tulisa: Would you?

Fazer: Yeah course. I'd do anything for you.

Tulisa: Thanks Fazer.

Fazer: It's alright. It's what mates are for.

Tulisa: You get him in and we'll talk to him then.

Fazer: OK. I'll just go outside and shout him.

Tulisa: OK cool.

Fazer goes off to shout Dappy and he drags him back into the studio. He says it's important and that Tulisa needs to talk to him.

Dappy: What is it man? I'm trying to fly my plane out here.

Tulisa: Well fuck off and fly your plane then. It doesn't matter how I feel does it? As long as you get to fly your plane!

Fazer: T man!

Tulisa: No Faze! This is exactly why I told you and not him! I knew you'd listen, whereas Dappy only listens when it's about him! He's selfish! He always has been, he always will be!

Dappy: Tell me what?

Fazer: This boyfriend she had?

Dappy: Yeah, what about him?

Fazer: He forced her into sex the other day and he said he only used her for sex and never loved her and he never would.

Dappy: The fucking prick! I'll kill him!

Tulisa: Oh yeah, you care now don't you? Well save your concern, I've dealt with him.

Fazer: Why what've you done?

Tulisa: I knocked him out with something and he was unconcious. I haven't even been back.

Fazer: Did anyone see you?

Tulisa: No I was in his flat.

Fazer: So what you gonna do, just leave him?

Tulisa: Yeah. We've got this album to finish anyway.

Dappy: It's nearly done now, we just need to sort the artwork and the track listing out for it. I done some designs for it. You guys take a look and tell me if you like them?

Tulisa: What about this song we started?

Dappy: We can finish and maybe, release it as a single?

Tulisa: OK fine.

Dappy: I need you's to tell me what album design you like as well.

Fazer: Yeah will do duks.

Dappy: I'm off to get a drink anyway. Do yous want anything?

Tulisa: Nah.

Fazer: Nah, I'm cool mate.

Dappy: OK well I'll be back soon.

Dappy left Tulisa and Fazer alone in the studio and he went to Starbucks.

Tulisa: Do you like this one?

Fazer: Nah, what about this one?

Tulisa: Yeah, That's amazing!

Fazer: This one it is then!

Tulisa: Looks like it!

Fazer: Are you OK T?

Tulisa: Yeah why?

Fazer: You seem happier than you did yesterday.

Tulisa: That's coz I've got the best friend in the whole world!

Suddenly, he leaned in to kiss her. She pulled back almost straight away before shouting at him in anger...

Tulisa: What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Fazer: I'm sorry T, I didn't think!

Tulisa: Yeah you never do!

There were two designs. A red and a blue one. They all settled on the blue one. Their second album was to be titled "Against All Odds" because against all the odds, they were finally making it in the music industry!

Tulisa ran out of the studio in tears and Fazer ran after her but she was already driving down the road.  How could he be so stupid? He'd seen what she'd been through and he just tried to kiss her. How could he be so daft? Dappy came back from Starbucks and he asked where T was. Fazer told him they'd settled on the blue design. It turned out, that was Dappy's favourite design too, so everyone was happy!

Dappy: Yeah, but where's T man?

Fazer: She's gone home.

Dappy: Why?

Fazer: Stupid me, tried to kiss her man.

Dappy: You did WHAT?!

Fazer: I can't help it Daps.

Dappy: Yeah well, try and help it! You're lucky we've not got a lot left to do otherwise I'd be going mental right now!

Fazer: I'm sorry man. I love her, I always have.

Dappy: Does she know that?

Fazer: No.

Dappy: Go and talk to her. I can manage here.

Fazer: Are you sure?

Dappy: Yes, now go.

Fazer: Cheers mate!

Fazer went outside to ring Tulisa, to see if he could come and speak to her. He got the voicemail so he left it. She'd probably never speak to him ever again and, right now,  he couldn't say he blamed her.

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