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things have recently been going seemingly well for the newest couple in the acting world, actor, timothée chalamet, and model, julianna trevor, who is nicknamed jj by close friends.

the couple began their start at the beginning of the summer, announcing their relationship through an instagram post from trevor's page, captioned "lover". initially this caused trouble in the two fanbases, considering how chalamet has been previously rumored to be in a relationship with trevor's close friend and roommate, asa gubler.

since then, the pair had been going strong for those three months, trevor posting multiple photos of the couple on many of her social media accounts. despite that, many fans believe chalamet is not giving the couple the same treatment on his accounts, which is barren of posts of the couple.

recent photo of the couple mid june

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recent photo of the couple mid june

it wasn't until recently that fans began to believe in the break up between the actor and model, which many speculate is due to the return of close friend, asa gubler, who is already in a speculated relationship of her own with singer and front man of flitcherin, davis walton.

  it wasn't until recently that fans began to believe in the break up between the actor and model, which many speculate is due to the return of close friend, asa gubler, who is already in a speculated relationship of her own with singer and front ...

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walton and gubler in london, before the two made their want to nyc

  while the two couples had become close in their short time together, the return of gubler seems to have created a wrench in chalamet and trevor's relationship. this was initially seen with the lack of interaction between the close friends, gubler and trevor, which ultimately led to the speculation of trevor blocking gubler. on top of that, recently, when gubler made her way over to nyc, where chalamet was, trevor made her way to la. timothee, instead of heading out, stayed where gubler was staying, visiting her as he was photographed.

 timothee, instead of heading out, stayed where gubler was staying, visiting her as he was photographed

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chalamet with a fan nearby gubler's apartment, yesterday.

  while timothee seems to be infatuated by gubler, enough to leave his girlfriend behind, gubler has been seen loving on her boyfriend with no care in the world.

   while timothee seems to be infatuated by gubler, enough to leave his girlfriend behind, gubler has been seen loving on her boyfriend with no care in the world

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walton hugging gubler late last night in nyc

  last night, there was a party which seemed to involve the friend group, including gubler's twin brother arlo and girlfriend alice bennett. this group was accompanied by the band flitcherin, seen in instagram stories, which featured the activities of the night. but while that party was going on, gubler and walton slipped out and were papped across the city. many believe this incident was caused by timothee's arrival, due to the lack of gubler when the photos of chalamet were posted.

in a recent poll, we asked out twitter following if they preferred chalamet with trevor or gubler. after only a few hours, gubler held the poll with a whopping 75%, while trevor only held 25% of the votes. let us know in the comments who you prefer chalamet with!!


username lol, timothee always looks disinterested in jj when ever they are papped together omg
  — username  frfr #gublermet

username why do i care?? pls just let these ppl be human n not bother with their love lives. LETS HAVE PRIVACY BC THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS, OK? OK.

username  this is getting exhausting can they just date one person b stop being such hoes?
  — username  i'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that
  — username  why? i'm literally staring face. can jj and asa stop being such hoes and leave timothee and davis alone???
  — username ok, so u r an idiot

username  so many photos of ppl i don't care about.
  — username  that's so fun omg ur so quirky ;P

username i just hope asa is ok, bc she looks really distraught ngl, like love to davis for comforting her, she looks like she really needed that hug
  — username  frfr #davisxasa

sorry for the lame update,
but i move into college tmr!!!!
i'm literally so excited n cannot
focus on anything else,
so that's why this update took a
while. but i hope your guys enjoy what
the public is currently seeing!!
next update is going to be a lot,
so we definitely need a break lmaooo

all the love,

platonic   t.chalametWhere stories live. Discover now