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"asa's main hoes 😋"
main bitch 😃 | asa
hoe #1 😎 | timothée
hoe #2 👯‍♂️ | arlo
hoe #3 ‼️ | alice
hoe #4 👧🏼 | jj
irish hoe 💍 | saoirse

hoe #3 ‼️
everyone ready for asa's good bye party 🥺

hoe #4 👧🏼
don't remind me :(
i already miss her 💔

main bitch 😃
stoppppp u guys are making me sad
it's so crazy that in a week i'm
going to be living in europe for 3 months :(
and i'm not going to see you guys everyday

hoe #2👯‍♂️
it's so weird because i've seen you
practically everyday since we were
born, and now i'm not going to see
you in person for 3 months. i honestly
don't know how to fathom not seeing u.

main bitch 😃
me either :/
i'm just going to miss y'all so much.

hoe #4 👧🏼
just take me with you :(
i don't know how i can survive
without my favorite roommate :((

hoe #3 ‼️
lowkey offended 🥲 but u
lowkey right, asa is a fucking
good roommate :(

main bitch 😃
guys stop making me sad :(
we got tonight and we will
act like nothing is happening.
and then let's be overly dramatic
tomorrow ;)

irish hoe 💍
let's just make sure we don't go too late,
we got an early flight tmr

hoe #3 ‼️
stop rubbing it in our faces
that you get to see her longer :(

main bitch 😃
barely, after our flight to
london, i'm heading on a train
and saoirse is heading straight to
a connecting to ireland

hoe #2 👯‍♂️
wish i could just go with you
to drop you off :(

main bitch 😃
you can't?

hoe #2 👯‍♀️
no :/ im scheduled for some recordings
done at the same time you get on your
flight, so i can't come see you off :(

main bitch 😃
awe okay.
so i guess it's just me, t and saoirse

hoe #4 👧🏼
speaking of timothée,
where is he? normally
he talks in the gc often

main bitch 😃
hm, idk ?
well we are seeing him
tonight so hopefully he's good

hoe #2 👯‍♂️
so we are meeting at 9?

main bitch 😃
yep !

hoe #2 👯‍♂️
ight, i'll see y'all then

hoe #3 ‼️

hoe #4 👧🏼
remember to dress hot!!!

irish hoe 💍
all the time 😋

main bitch 😃
😂 bye guys

vee !
ugh, i just realized this one
is short too :(
sorry about it bbys

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