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TW: fighting, self harm, suicide attempt

Ranboo was watching Micheal, playing with him and over all just having a good time. Micheal soon got tired and laid on Ranboo before he fell asleep on him. Ranboo smiles down at him and hums softly before picking him up and carrying him up to his room. He lays him down on his bed and gives him a stuffed cow that his uncle Tommy had given him and tucked him in. Ranboo kissed Micheals forehead before he turns on his nightlight and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. He walks back downstairs and grabs a snack while he waits for Tubbo to come home.

Tubbo didn't end up coming home for a few hours. When he did he slowly walked in and saw Ranboo sitting on the couch. Ranboo was practically falling asleep on the couch when he heard the door open "Tubbo...?" "Oh, hi Ranboo, why are you still up? I thought you be asleep already" "No, I was waiting for you" "Ranboo go to sleep, you're ruining yourself by staying up this late just to see me" "Tubbo, I know, but I rarely ever get to see you in the morning anymore." "Tubbo you're missing the entire point of this conversation, you are rarely ever home anymore. Micheal is constantly asking me 'when's daddy coming home?' He never gets to see you! This isn't about me it's about Micheal!" Tubbo sighs "Ranboo, I'm just really busy with work ok? I can't always be home, you know this" Ranboo groans "I know! But Micheal doesn't understand! Y'know what? I'm done, I'm going to bed" Ranboo gets up and goes upstairs to go the sleep. Tubbo sighs softly and rubs his face before he takes off his jacket and goes upstairs to go to sleep.

This kept going on for many days, weeks actually. Ranboo wakes up to an empty bed, he would wake Micheal up and get him dressed and fed. He would play with him and watch him to make sure he didn't get hurt make him dinner, put him to bed and wait for Tubbo to come home then repeat. It was exhausting for the Enderman. The whole cycle was causing Ranboos both physical and mental health to slowly deteriorate. He was tired and he felt sick all the time, he never got a break from the never ending cycle. When the routine hit its 3 month mark that was when Ranboo finally snapped. He waited for Tubbo to come home. When he finally did, Ranboo stood up "Tubbo I'm tired." "Then go to sleep, it's simple." "Let me fucking finish my god damn sentence." The sudden swearing caught Tubbos attention and he immediately shut up. "You're gone every damn day! Micheal is suffering! I am suffering! I'm starting to think you don't care about us Tubbo." Tubbo's eyes go wide "Ranboo, first off, don't make this about you, and second, I do care! What makes you think I don't care?" "Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you're never home anymore!!!" "Stop fucking yelling at me Ranboo, get the hell out of the house if you're gonna yell at me." "I'm not getting out of my house, you don't care about Micheal, you don't care about me, it's affecting me in such a negative fucking way, it's not good nor is it healthy." "And how has it negatively affected you exactly Ranboo? Because to me you look perfectly fine" "Because I have to! Y'know what? I can't do this, I'm going down to the river" "Then go down to the fucking river Ranboo" Ranboo sighs "When Micheal wakes up, you promise you'll tell him that Papa loves him, yeah?" Tubbo raises an eyebrow "Alright?" Ranboo gets up and leaves the house to walk to the river.

As soon as he reaches the river he sticks his arms straight into the water, severely burning his arms. This made him cry out but he kept his arms out and under the water.

When Tubbo heard Ranboo cry out from the house he got up as fast as he could and ran out to the river "RANBOO! RANBOO NO!" When Tubbo got to the river, Ranboo was about to jump into the water. Tubbo grabbed him and pulled him back "No..." he held the taller figure "No..." he sat holding him, out of breath. Ranboo sighs "Just...just please try to be there for Micheal more...please...?"

A/N: I uploaded which I'm sorry it took so long btw, I'm in school and I have things I need to do and I was sick so I have a lot of missing work, but, how was this angst?

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