Ghost Love

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TW: death, ghosts, starving, suicide, dreambur, if uncomfy with the ship please leave, i have read all their boundaries and I am also a C!Dream apologist

A/N: this oneshot will talk about the after life before it gets into Ghostbur and Ghost Dre

Dream sat alone in the prison cell, he hated it, it was cold and lonely. He really missed all his friends, he had gone into a downward spiral when his boyfriend, Wilbur, was murdered in front if his eyes. When he saw his love, his boyfriend die, something in him snapped, he lost the only thing that made him stable. He turned into a tyrant and he hurt so, so many people and he took full responsibility for it. The realization didn't hit him until he was locked away into a cold, dark, lonely prison cell. He had stopped eating days ago, not having the energy to actually put the food into his system. He stared at the pile of potatoes that had started to pile up in the corner of his cell. He often wished that he would fall asleep and never wake up so he could be reunited with his lover. Every time Dream saw Ghostbur he would get really sad and almost start crying. He had a feeling that Ghostbur had a connection to Wilbur but he never brought it up so he wouldn't scare the sweet ghost.

After a few weeks had passed in the prison, Dream had slowly been slipping into a downward depression spiral in the stupid prison. He stood up and walked over to the lava. He stood by the edge of the lava and took a deep breath before jumping. He screamed as the lava burned his pale skin before he died. Then the good ole death message popped up in the chat Dream tried to swim in lava 0 cannon lives left. Everyone one on the server saw the message. Some were sad, some were confused and others were just angry. After a bit Dream arrived in the afterlife, he stood up and looked around before he Yeah, he heard the faint playing of music. He followed the sound before he came across a very brightly lit up area where he saw Mexican Dream, Jschlatt and Wilbur. Schlatt and Wilbur were talking when Schlatt looked up and saw Dream standing there, burns covering his body "Oh my god!" "What?! What schlatt?!" "Wilbur turn around..." Wilbur rolls his eyes and turns around, becoming face-to-face with his lover "Dream? Oh my god, sweetheart how did you die?" "I...I jumped into a wall of lava to kill myself..." "What? Dream why would you do that?" "I...Wil after you died I snapped...and I did horrible, horrible things and I got put in prison...I just got really sad and depressed so I-I killed myself..." Dreams voice was trembling and breaking the entire time he spoke to Wil and Schlatt. Wilbur stood up and pulled his shorter lover in for a hug, playing with his hair and rubbing his back. Dream started to breakdown in Wilburs arms from being touch starved, emotions and over all, exhaustion. "Okay sweetheart, let it out my love, let it out" Dream sobbed into the olders chest. After a few minutes of crying and sobbing, Dream pulled away and pulled Wilbur down for a much needed kiss.

Back up on top a new Ghost spawned in and the Ghosts' name was Ghost Dre, now Ghost Dre had happy memories but those memories were fuzzy in his mind. Ghost Dre floated around on the SMP looking for someone familiar. As he was going on his adventure he came across another Ghost. 'Ghost Wilby!' he thought as he approached the ghost. "Excuse me?" Ghost Dre asked softly. "Oh! Hello! Whats your name?" "My name is Ghost Dre!" "Oh! Well my name is Ghostbur!" "Oh you seem very nice and kind! You remind me of a someone I knew but he died today" " remind me of a lover that I had, his name was William? No..Wilby! His name was Wilby!" "Oh! Yeah you remind me of my lover! His name was Dream!" Ghost Dre giggles and hugs hostbur. Ghosbur gasps and hugs back the two stood there in the embrace. The two were finally reunited and they wandered L'Manburg together.

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