Last Life

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⚠️Death warning⚠️
Sapnap and Dream were fighting again when things started to get out of hand when Dream pulled out a sword. Sapnap pulls out an axe to fight back. Sapnap was on his last cannon life, he was also engaged to Karl and Quackity. He was trying to be careful when Dream stabbed Sapnap. "I'm sorry it had to end like this Sapnap,'ll be back" Dream starts to walk away as blood starts to pour out of Sapnaps mouth " don't get was my last life..." he falls to his knees. Dream looks at him, not a look of sympathy in his eyes "Oh well" he walks away as Sapnap starts to bleed profusely "Karl...f-fuck no! Quackity...." more blood came out of his mouth. Memories start to play back in his head from him meeting Karl and Quackity, their first date, when they all got engaged. Sapnaps vision got dark then he took his last breath. ~Sapnap was slain by Dream~ Karl and Quackity saw it and ran to where Sapnap was. They find Sapnaps body and Karl starts breaking down while Quackity held him "Sapnap..." he mumbles as he ran his fingers through Sapnaps hair, he was pale and cold, they couldn't get married and it tore Karl apart.

A/N short and angsty fic, hope y'all enjoyed, vote and comment

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