Bugging Mama Puffy

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Captain Puffy had just gotten back from a long trip and wanted some peace and quiet although how can you get any sort of peace and quiet when you have 2 toddlers running around. She had just barley closed the bathroom door when her son Dream, who is 4, started banging on the door "Mama! Mama I wanna show you something! Mama!!" Dream whines and keeps pounding on the door. Puffy sighs "Dream, honey, mama just got back from a trip so can yo-" "Mamaaaa! Mamaaaa it's really important!!" He keeps banging on the door when Tubbo, her other son who is 2 years old, sees Dream doing it so he joins in "Mama!!!" She groans "JSCHLATT COME AND GET YOUR CHILDREN!!" Schlatt comes over and grins at his sons, opening the door "Did you need something hun?" "Mama!!!" The two shout. "Schlatt I swear to god!" She smiles a little and picks up her boys "Ok, what is it you wanted to show me? Hm?" Dream giggles and gets down, running to the kitchen to get a paper. He comes back over with a huge grin "Mama look at what I drew for you!!!" He had drawn some flowers for her and gave it to her. "Awww thank you Dream, I love it" she smiles and ruffles his hair. Tubbo giggles which turns her attention to him "Now what did you need hun?" "Nofing I just missded you!" She smiles and hugs him "Aww I missed you too Tubbo" She picks up Dream "And you" she gives Schlatt a kiss on the cheek "And you" Jschlatt smiles "I missed you too" Dream giggles "Oh! Can we watch a movie together?!" Puffy smiles "Sure Dream, which one?" "Hercules!!!!" Tubbo giggles "Yeah Hercuwes!!" Jschlatt chuckles and takes Dream from Puffy, carrying him to their living room "Hercules it is" he puts him down. Puffy walks over and puts Tubbo down next to Dream, putting the movie on. "Oh! I brought back some surprises for you guys" she goes to her bag and gets a mask for Dream and a bee plush for Tubbo "Here you go" Tubbo takes the bee plush and gasps "Fank you mama!" Dream puts the mask on "Thank you mama!" Puffy smiles "You're welcome boys" she sits down next to Jschlatt and the cuddle up together as a family, watching Hercules.

A/N *sniff* this was such an adorable fic, I loved writing this, comment and vote, peace out

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